The new Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse international trailer seemingly hints at possible cameos from the actors who have played the three live-action Spider-Mans - Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland.

The beginning of the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse international trailer has voiceovers from all three versions of Spider-Man from their movies (or their movie trailers). The Spider-Verse trailer also showed their iteration of Spider-Man, strongly hinting that the three of them will be involved in some capacity for the upcoming installment(s) of the animated Spider-Verse.

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The Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse international trailer starts with the Spider-Mans going in order of when they first appeared from earliest to latest. Hence, it opens with Maguire's Spider-Man saying, "Sometimes, to do what's right, we have to give up the thing we want the most," which is a direct quote from Spider-Man 2. Then, Garfield's Spider-Man says, "Every day, I wake up knowing that the more people I save, the more enemies I will make," which is a quote from the trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. The voiceovers end with Holland's Spider-Man saying, "This is my chance to prove myself!" which is a quote from the trailer of Spider-Man: Homecoming. While all that's happening, the film shows the caption, "You know the sacrifices. You know the triumphs. But on June 2, one Spider-Man will change his destiny," seemingly referring to Miles Morales.

As pretty much every fan knows by now, Maguire, Garfield, and Holland shared the screen in Spider-Man: No Way Home, which played an astronomical role in how well-received the movie was. It had been reported years ago that Sony tried to get the three of them in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Specifically, Maguire was reportedly the original choice to play Peter B. Parker. However, they didn't go with that decision because they feared his story would be considered canon with the original Raimi trilogy.

Luckily, the first installment of the Spider-Verse series was strong enough that they won't have to depend on the lore of the three live-action Spider-Mans regardless. Still, it's cool that they may potentially connect everything into one story. The chemistry between Spider-Man: No Way Home actors Maguire, Garfield, and Holland was so strong that it was clear that Marvel Studios didn't bring them in for only fanservice. To see them potentially get involved with this animated universe should serve as another layer of outright fun for everyone.

It also makes one wonder how all-out Sony will go with this. If they plan to incorporate every single Spider-Man there is, even if it's just brief cameos, will they include cameos of voice actors who played Spider-Man, like Yuri Lowenthal when he voiced the character on PS4's Spider-Man, or Christopher Daniel Barnes, who voiced the characters in the 1990s animated series? This story already has a great foundation that they don't need these cameos, but if they do, that only adds more excitement to the movie.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will premiere in theaters on June 2, 2023.

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Source: Sony Pictures India