Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse takes place not long after the first movie wraps up. Instead of Miles, the movie begins with Gwen in her own reality. After dealing with an alternate version of The Vulture, Gwen gets recruited by Miguel, a Spider-Man from the year 2099. Miguel started the Spider-Society, an organization that watches over the multiverse and stops anomalies.

RELATED: Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse – Ways The Movie Sets Up Beyond The Spider-Verse Sequel

Meanwhile, Miles is dealing with a new villain, The Spot, who learns how to hop through dimensions. That’s how Gwen gets reunited with Miles and all kinds of multiverse madness follows. That's the basic setup to Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, so let's get to the burning questions.

Warning! There will be spoilers.

7 The End In Dimension 42

Ben Reilly in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

The movie ends with one of the wildest plot twists imaginable for a Spider-Man film. Miles is sent away from the Spider-Society to save his dad from destruction. He thinks he went back to his home dimension but it was actually Dimension 42 where his spider originated.

It is here that he gets caught by a new version of Uncle along with an evil version of Miles who took on the mantle of The Prowler. Will Dimension 42 Miles listen and let his alter ego go or is the good Miles in danger?

6 How Did Gwen Get The Band Back Together?

Gwen in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

On a positive note, Gwen decides to follow her heart and help Miles in the end. She knows she can’t stand up to the Spider-Society by herself, so she enlists the aid of Peter B. Parker as well.

Offscreen she hops to a bunch of universes to get a good team together including new additions like Spider-Punk along with returning classics from the first movie like Spider-Pig. Will anyone from the Spider-Society switch sides or will Gwen be able to get even more characters on her side elsewhere in the third movie?

5 What Are The Six Canon Arcs Of Spider-Man?

Miguel in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

There is a pivotal scene in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse wherein Miguel explains to Miles that all Spider-Man incarnations adhere to a canon. There are six major principles and only two of them have been gone over in this animated franchise. In the first movie, Miles has to lose a family member, Uncle Aaron, which is his Uncle Ben.

RELATED: Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse – Things That Made No Sense

Spider-Man heroes also have to lose a close captain to them, which in Miles’ case, would be his father. It can be assumed that another canon pillar belongs to the spider bite or the acquisition of powers. What then are the other core pieces to Spider-Man lore?

4 Why Wasn’t Miles Taken Care Of Earlier?

Miles in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

Another big twist in the movie is that Miles was not supposed to get bitten. The aforementioned spider came from Dimension 42 and it was supposed to bite the other version of Miles. The lack of the spider bite has turned that dimension seemingly into a hellscape.

Miguel also explains that all of the glitches across the multiverse have occurred because of Miles and his main dimension, including Fisk’s experiments. If Miguel assumes that Miles is so dangerous, why did he wait so long to contain him? The Spider-Society is filled with captured anomalies like Donald Glover’s live-action version of Uncle Aaron from Spider-Man: Homecoming. Why didn’t he contain Miles like that ages ago?

3 Who Is Gwen’s Captain?

Officer Davis in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

In that briefing wherein Miguel explains the whole captain situation, it is also revealed that the event hasn’t happened to Gwen yet. She suspects her father, also a captain, will die at some point and is seemingly torn about it. The death of Captain Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man franchise is shown, as one example.

RELATED: Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse – Easter Eggs You Missed

However, Gwen’s dad resigns as a captain after she returns home. So, if the canon must be adhered to, who will be the captain Gwen loses in the sequel to Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse?

2 Does The Avatar Spider-Man Have Powers?

Margo in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

One of the new heroes introduced in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is Margo. She appears as an avatar in the Spider-Society as if she were from the Tron movies. She shows Miles a glimpse of her at home eating snacks while she has VR goggles on.

If Margo only exists as an avatar version of Spider-Man then does the organic version not have powers? Are there other people in her universe that can be this avatar version too? Are all battles fought digitally in her universe between heroes and villains like in the Mega Man Battle Network series? There are many questions to her universe that assumedly comics could answer.

1 What’s Up With The Cat And Dinosaur?

Pter Ptarker in the comics

There are too many versions of this classic hero to count in the movie in just one sitting. That’s why the Blu-ray sales for this are going to be through the roof. Of the many featured, there are two that stand out. One is a cat that can shoot webs which might be a nod to Marvel’s Spider-Man.

However, Spider-Cat is indeed a real character in the comics. Wilder than that is the T-Rex which is punnily named Pter Ptarker in the comics. Do these creatures lose captains too on their way to becoming heroes and will they return for a bigger role?

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