Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is much more than another animated movie with a bunch of different versions of Spider-Man swinging all over the place. The big gimmick in this sequel has Miles and other characters hop across different dimensions. Some of them are only visited for a brief few seconds while others take more center stage.

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There are more than eight, technically, in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, but these are the ones that matter the most. They house many Easter Eggs inside them and fans surely can't wait to rewatch this movie in slow-mo in a few months at home to find them all.

Warning! There will be spoilers.

8 The Comic Dimension

Spider-Man in the Spider-Man 60s cartoon

Once The Spot discovers his black holes can take him to alternate dimensions, he starts to go on a mini tour of the universe. His first stop is in a dimension that looks straight out of the original Spider-Man comics. The color scheme is there as well as the ink dots that were popular at the time.

The Spot pokes his head in briefly to get whacked by a random person with a purse before retreating. It’s a quick nod to the origins of this famous character which is cool enough without any significant plot happening here.

7 The Venom Dimension

Venom in Venom-Let There Carnage

Another location The Spot dips into in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is the Venom movie franchise. Venom is nowhere to be seen in this clip, but the next-door clerk at the bodega gives The Spot some sass. She’s not even that surprised that a cartoon character pops out of a black hole.

Once one sees Venom, all bets are off since that world is filled with symbiotes. Before leaving again, The Spot insists on stealing some gum which is funny considering he no longer has a mouth to chew with.

6 Miles’ Dimension

Miles in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

The main dimension in this animated franchise is Miles’. That’s where the whole thing begins with Fisk messing around with fusion to get his family back. Some funny changes in this universe are most prominently highlighted in the first movie such as alternate films like the one where Seth Rogen is a jockey.

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Not a lot of funny gimmicks are shown in the sequel and for all intents and purposes, Miles’ dimension is almost exactly like our own. The dimension is important for the franchise but it isn’t that cool to look at.

5 Dimension 42

Ben Reilly in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

Dimension 42 was a big reveal in this sequel. It is the dimension where the spider that bit Miles originated from. It was supposed to bite the other Miles in Dimension 42, but somehow the spider glitched over. Dimension 42 is without a Spider-Man, so it is shown to be a dark rainy hellscape which might be close to how Gotham is depicted in the Batman franchise.

It will definitely be a huge part of the next sequel, but there isn’t much to go on for now. Another dimension shown very briefly is Peter B. Parker’s but only from his house’s perspective. It was part of the end, like Dimension 42, so it is worth bringing up briefly here

4 The Lego Dimension

Spider-Man in Lego Marvel Super Heroes

One of the absolute coolest dimensions shown in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse briefly was the Lego universe. There have been four Lego movies and unfortunately, Marvel hasn’t been a big part of them. That’s because those films were Warner Bros. productions, so they feature a lot of DC heroes like Batman and Superman.

Lego kits and video games have featured Marvel heroes before though like Spider-Man, so this dimension was a fun glimpse at what could be. Hopefully, it will return in the sequel or maybe even Sony will partner up with Marvel to make a fully-fledged Lego movie based on the famous web-slinger.

3 Pavitr’s Dimension

Pavitr in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

Pavitr is one of the new Spider-Man characters featured in this movie. He is from a universe where the character was created in India, specifically Mumbai. He’s a young kid like Miles, but Pavitr has infinitely more confidence than him.

RELATED: Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse – Easter Eggs You Missed

He’s funny too, which isn’t saying much since being funny is one of the core concepts of all Spider-Man characters. The style of this city is amazing and features ways the character has never been depicted before.

2 Gwen’s Dimension

Gwen in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

Gwen, in Miles’ dimension, fits right in because her character design looks like it belongs. This is strange considering how wonderfully beautiful her dimension is. It’s like a watercolor painting come to life. There are pastel colors everywhere and the art design of everything is minimalistic.

It is the most artistic dimension of the many in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse which makes sense. Gwen is like a ballerina rockstar who balances her life with intricate agility and hardcore brutality.

1 Miguel’s Dimension

Miguel in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

It’s hard not to give the gold star to Miguel’s dimension in the movie which is set in the future, 2099, in Nueva York. This is where Miguel has set up the Spider-Society which is an intricate organization of Spider-Man characters from across all dimensions.

The Blu-rays for this movie are going to fly off of the shelves because the hardcore fans are going to want to go frame by frame here. There are so many fun characters and nods in this dimension that it is hard to list them all. There is a cowboy, a cyberpunk avatar, a brooding man-child, a psychiatrist, and strangest of all, a literal dinosaur.

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