
  • Insomniac's upcoming Wolverine game is rumored to be set in Madripoor, based on Easter eggs and speculation.
  • The announcement trailer for the Wolverine game only provided a glimpse of what's to come, as Insomniac was focused on Spider-Man 2.
  • Spider-Man 2 contains a note referencing Madripoor, adding fuel to the speculation of Wolverine's setting.

Insomniac's in-development Wolverine game is believed to be set in Madripoor, a location found on a Southeastern Asian island, and one Spider-Man 2 Easter egg lends credence to that fan rumor and speculation. Spider-Man 2 is out in the wild now, and fans seem to be having a blast swinging around New York City as one of the Spider-Men. It's not perfect, with a few Spider-Man 2 bugs scattered throughout the game, but it truly lets players live their Spider-Man fantasies.

Its developer, Insomniac Games, is also working on a PS5 exclusive Wolverine game. At this time, there's been nothing more than an announcement trailer for the game, which makes sense given Insomniac was hard at work on Spider-Man 2. After all, the studio was quiet on it for quite a long time, and Wolverine was obviously further out. As it likely has a few more resources now, many fans are excited to see Insomniac's take on Logan, and many have long speculated it would be set in Madripoor due to a handful of Easter eggs and teases in that initial trailer. While unconfirmed and just rumor, one note in Spider-Man 2 could add some fuel to that fire.

Why You Shouldn't Fast Travel in Spider-Man 2

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has introduced a pretty advanced fast travel system, and while that is great, most players will want to avoid it completely.

Spider-Man 2 Hints at Madripoor Setting for Wolverine Game

spider-man 2 screenshot

At one point during Marvel's Spider-Man 2, players will be looking into Kraven and his grand hunt as MJ. They'll come across a lot of notes and tidbits of information, none of which seem that important. One note will reference Madripoor by name, mentioning a temporary relocation there. That's all it is and there isn't much to go on at all, but it's likely enough for those already convinced it's set in Madripoor to add this piece of evidence to the pile.

As to why folks believe Wolverine is set in Madripoor, the initial trailer is full of Easter eggs including those possibly teasing a Hulk vs. Wolverine fight. Scattered among those is an eyepatch, possibly hinting at an adaptation of Logan's Patch persona appearing in Wolverine. This darker storyline takes place in Madripoor, which fans may also know from the Disney Plus show, Falcon and Winter Soldier. On top of that, one poster highlights the Princess Bar, which is also set in Madripoor. A lot of this is circumstantial at best, but when put together, it's easy to see why Madripoor is the leading speculation as far as Wolverine's setting goes.

Of course, it could just be that Insomniac really likes Madripoor and has scattered it all around. There are plenty of Spider-Man 2 Easter eggs that go nowhere, including one for Danny Rand, so this could easily fall into that. That's also not considering Insomniac being a little tricky here and giving fans red herrings to hide its true intentions. Either way, Spider-Man 2 successfully delivered on its hype train, and eyes are on Wolverine to do the same.

Spider-Man 2 is available now for PS5.

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