Getting the web-swinging right is probably the most important priority of any Spider-Man game, and Insomniac nailed it with Spider-Man PS4. The system feels incredibly fluid, and Insomniac Games fleshed it out with as much style and flair as possible. Players are still discovering some of the things it allows them to do two years after the game's original release.

One individual, a Redditor going by the name johnnyjohn22, discovered an uncommon web-swinging animation for the first time despite having beaten Spider-Man PS4 twice already. And he's not the only one, judging by the comments and upvotes that the post has received in the short amount of time that it's been live.

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The animation is situational and triggers whenever Spider-Man runs into a fire escape. When Spider-Man makes contact with it, he'll pull himself up the fire escape level by level using his webs, and he'll maintain all the momentum he has when he reaches the top, just like he does with all his other web-swinging maneuvers.

To activate the animation, players just need to hold the R2 button when approaching it. Instead of the usual wall run, Spider-Man will do the unique animation. The animation also activates if Spider-Man comes at the fire escape in the middle of a swing. On top of this, another unique animation triggers if Spider-Man comes at the fire escape from the side, and he'll swing through it with his hand. There are no clips of it available like the first animation, but fans can try it out for themselves if they're interested and haven't seen it, and there's an image of the start of the animation below.

fire escape swing spider-man

Peter Parker has more web-swinging tricks up his sleeve too. Players can perform something called the "web tunnel" whenever they come in contact with tight spaces, such as under a water tower or through a construction pipe. While swinging — sometimes even while running — Peter will latch onto the edges of the tight spaces with webs and then slingshot himself through them. Players can check out the animation at the 1:47 mark in the video below.

It's a mystery if Miles will be able to pull off these kinds of stunts in the upcoming Spider-Man: Miles Morales video game. Ryan Smith and Bryan Intihar — developers on Spider-Man PS4 — said that Peter could do a lot of his web-swinging tricks because he has eight years of Spider-Man experience under his belt by the time the Spider-Man PS4 story happens. Miles will only have a year clocked in during the events of the Miles Morales game. Maybe he'll have some clumsy animations thrown in to make him feel more like a novice.

Spider-Man PS4 released for the PlayStation 4 in 2018.

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