Modding has been a part of the PC landscape since its very first inception over four decades ago. From the moment people got their hands on a computer, modding was born, with people adapting interfaces, tweaking programs to run differently, or reworking the code of their favorite game to transform it into a new experience. With the introduction of Half-Life and Valve's Source Engine, modding grew in popularity ten-fold, with it now being easier than ever for fans to create their own games, birthing modern classics like Portal and Counter Strike. Modding has opened a lot of doors over the years, and with Marvel's Spider-Man heading to PC soon, there's sure to be plenty more opportunities to expand on the already-incredible game.

Sony has been gradually porting some of its best first-party titles over to the PC, marking their departure from PlayStation exclusivity. So far, games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Death Stranding, and God of War have all made their way to the PC, where they've been embraced by a whole new community of gamers. As has already been seen with these last few Sony PC releases, modders can add quite a bit of content to these beloved titles, ranging from new missions, to re-skinned enemies, to even entirely new mechanics. And there's one particular area in which mods could benefit Marvel's Spider-Man: its collection of Spidey suits.

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Mods Can Add a Ton of Comic Suits to Marvel's Spider-Man

Spider-Man Symbiote suit in broken glass

When it first released in 2018, Marvel's Spider-Man already had a bunch of great Spidey suits to choose from. In total, there were 28 suits in the base game, each hearkening back to some of the web-slingers best comic book outings and cinematic portrayals. Iconic suits like Spider-Man 2099 and Noir were in there, along with the Stark Suit from Spider-Man: Homecoming. While there was more than enough here to satiate fan desires, Insomniac decided to go one, and then two steps further, adding even more costumes with the DLC, and then adding another bout of suits as free updates.

In the end, Marvel's Spider-Man has 47 suits in total, or 45 in the PS4 version. These suits now cover even more of the Spider-Man movies, with both Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire's suits making an appearance, along with a vibrantly animated Peter B. Parker suit from Into the Spider-Verse. Even more iconic comic-inspired costumes are included as well, with the Iron-Spider suit, Future Foundation suit, and Spider-UK suit all showing up.

While there's already an impressive amount of costumes in Marvel's Spider-Man, there's still plenty of room for modders to expand on the roster. Spider-Man comics have been around since 1962, so there's more than enough to still draw inspiration from, even if most of the iconic suits have been added already by Insomniac. The Superior Spider-Man suit would be a great addition to the game, coming from one of the most popular, albeit controversial, Spider-Man runs in recent memory, in which a dying Doc Ock transfers his consciousness to Peter Parker's body and steals the mantle of Spider-Man from him.

The Captain Universe costume from the comics is another easy costume to add in with mods, referencing that time Spidey became an omnipotent god-like being after consuming the Uni-Power. In a similar vein to Marvel's Spider-Man's half Peter Park/half Spidey suits, like the ESU suit, modders could add in some costumes based on the original comic Peter Parker, perhaps wearing a sweater vest and shirt under his costume.

There's one Spider-Man suit, however, that fans have wanted since before the game even came out. Based on its iconic first appearance in the Secret Wars run, the black Symbiote suit is one of the most beloved Spidey costumes out there, and it's one that fans expected to see in Marvel's Spider-Man. Unfortunately though, it never made an appearance in the game. Many fans thought this a little odd, as the Symbiote suit has been present in Spider-Man games ever since the wall-crawler first hit the arcades, and became a staple in Spidey's video game outings since the very first PlayStation and N64 Spider-Man game.

Now, in hindsight, it seems as though Insomniac may have wanted to distance itself from any mention of a Symbiote suit, as the Symbiote ended up being a hidden plot line revolving around the game's Harry Osborn character. And now, with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on the way, Venom is confirmed to be a part of the narrative, and if the leaks and rumors are to be believed, then the Symbiote suit may play a pivotal role in the game's new mechanics. That being said, Insomniac's eventual Symbiote suit will likely look quite a bit different from the comic version, so there's plenty of room for a classic comic book Symbiote suit to be modded into the PC version of Marvel's Spider-Man.

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Mods Can Add Some More Bizarre Suits to Marvel's Spider-Man

spider-man 3 dance

Of course, if there's one thing that modders are best at, it's making a game more weird than it was ever planned to be. 2018's God of War is one of the most critically-acclaimed games of all time, masking arelatable father-and-son tale behind thrilling mythology-fueled fights, but the second it came to PC and modders got their hands on it, Thomas the Tank Engine, Shrek, and just about every other meme could be soon be found across the nine realms.

They may not be everyone's cup of tea, but bizarre mods certainly have their place in the gaming landscape, and Marvel's Spider-Man deserves to join in on the fun. While all the classic meme faces are almost guaranteed to be showing up on day-one of Spider-Man's release on PC, a few more pop culture in-jokes may find themselves being modded in as wearable suits. For instance, one particularly fitting one would a Spider-Man 3 dancing Peter suit, complete with black jacket, black shirt, black jeans and all.

Marvel’s Spider-Man is available now on PS4 and PS5. A PC version will be releasing on August 12.

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