Spider-Man is one of, if not, the most popular characters ever introduced by Marvel Comics. The friendly neighborhood wall crawler has been at the forefront of so many successful storylines in comics, in video games, in animated series and in movies. But, just like any other character, he has his share of controversial stories, as well.

Some of these Spider-Man stories led to intense backlash against Marvel. Every comic book character has its ups and downs, but these storylines either pushed boundaries too far or failed to deliver on its expectations in a way that readers rejected the comics' story.

Marvel: 5 Heroes Who Hate Spider-Man

Not every superhero is a fan of Spider-Man's antics. These individuals have historically had a bone to pick with the web crawler.

9 Not Approved By The Comics Code Authority

Not Approved By Comics Code Authority

Stan Lee and John Romita decided to be intentionally controversial while tackling a sensitive issue and questioning authority. During the Silver Age of Comics, the Comics Code Authority decided what could be in comic books and censored potentially controversial stores during that era.

In 1971, Stan Lee and John Romita decided to write a story about Harry Osborn overdosing despite the face the Comics Code Authority strictly forbid the depiction of drug use, whether positive or negative. This story shows the ill effects of drug abuse. Lee and Romita decided to go ahead and break the Comics Code. This decision eventually led to loosened restrictions and the evolution of comic books.

8 Revival


This is a story that is controversial because people are resistant to change. In Revival, Peter Parker is killed off. This leads to fans struggling both with Peter's death and a new Spider-Man in the form of Miles Morales. It caused a split in the fan base just because Miles wasn't Peter.

Some fans gave Miles a chance while others argued in favor of a boycott of a product. Eventually, Miles would be accepted by enough fans to be the main character of the Spider-Verse films by Sony.

7 The Night Gwen Stacy Died

The Night Gwen Stacy Died

While this has already been tackled on film, the death of Gwen Stacy still sparked controversy when put the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man comics. While Peter Parker had already experienced the death of Uncle Ben, comics writers killing off Gwen shocked readers of the 1970s.

6 Spider-Man Games That Let Gamers Play As A Marvel Villain

Some Spider-Man games allow players to experience the thrills to play as one of Spider-Man's best villains.

Green Goblin was responsible for Gwen's death. Then, Green Goblin is killed in a fight with Spider-Man. This story is an example of a controversial storyline that is hailed for how well its written. It's adored even with its controversy.

6 Dying Wish

Dying Wish

While Superior Spider-Man is a fondly remembered version of the superhero now, the initial introduction was shocking and controversial. Dr. Octopus switches his consciousness with Peter Parker. Octavius takes on the role of Spider-Man while Peter Parker dies in the villain's body.

The big issue with this storyline is Peter Parker's death. It's so quick and unceremonious for the hero of a story. It's jarring, but Peter would later be restored to his own body. Meanwhile, Otto Octavius became his own version of Spider-Man.

5 Civil War

Civil War

The entire Civil War storyline was intended to be controversial as it pitted superheroes against each other when it comes to government legislation seeking control over superheroes and their actions. While the main focus was on Captain America and Iron Man, it became controversial for Spider-Man when he unmasked as part of the superhero registration.

This was a vast change from his years of hiding his identity to protect his family. The move led to his enemies attacking and hospitalizing Aunt May. Civil War served as a catalyst for a storyline that is viewed by many as the worst Spider-Man storyline.

4 Reign


Following the success of DC's The Dark Knight Returns, Marvel tried a similar story with Spider-Man with Reign. It was intended to show a veteran Peter Parker struggling with Spider-Man's life. While Marvel would get it right with the Old Man Logan storyline, fans detested one specific part of Reign. In the comics, Peter Parker is essentially responsible for Mary Jane's death. The pair were intimate, and Mary Jane suffered radioactive poisoning leading to her death. That was a bridge too far for many fans.

3 Clone Saga

Clone Saga

Spider-Man's own clone turns evil in what was an ambitious storyline that had its high points. However, the treatment of some non-Peter Parker characters led to backlash. The Clone Saga is a case of writers throwing everything at the wall and while some of it sticks, a lot of it falls on the floor.

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From Kingpin to the Green Goblin, these fantastic Marvel villains have given Spider-Man plenty to think about over the years.

The storyline introduced Ben Reilly who is both the Scarlet Spider and the Jackal. But it also contains a sequence where Peter hits a pregnant Mary Jane. Even those who love the storyline admit it went on too long.

2 Sins Past

Sins Past

One The Amazing Spider-Man storyline sullied the good name of one of its dead characters, and fans were not happy. In Sins Past, it's revealed that Peter Parker's dead girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, had a sexual affair with Norman Osborn. In the story, she gives birth to Osborn's twins who grow up to share the identity of the Grey Goblin.

This storyline was so hated by fans that writers eventually retconned it. It was revealed to be a pack of lies from the work of several villains. Spider-Man's enemies wanted to trick Peter Parker and destroy his life. The writers retconned it to save Gwen's reputation.

1 One More Day

One More Day

Comics storylines that involve the hero and their love interest breaking up can always be controversial, but the pair trying to sell their marriage to the devil is an odd decision by any standard. In One More Day, Peter and Mary Jane are married, but Aunt May is in the hospital. The pair try to sell the marriage to Mephisto to save Aunt May.

The story is clearly intended to be intriguing and thought-provoking, however it proved to be the opposite. This duo sacrificing their love felt out of character. Plus, the fallout led to more questions than answers.

MORE: Best Spider-Man Animated Series, Ranked