A new viral meme has taken over the Spider-Man: Miles Morales community based on Prowler’s music-sampling side mission in the game. Warning: there will be slight spoilers for Spider-Man: Miles Morales regarding the true identity of the Prowler.

After the box office success of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse and with Marvel’sSpider-Man 2 for the PS5 just around the corner, it’s no wonder that more people are starting to check out Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Miles Morales is a short game that can be beaten over a weekend, and that includes doing all the side missions. One side mission that seems to be gaining a lot of popularity is given to Miles Morales by his uncle Aaron Davis, called “breaking through the noise.” In the mission, Miles is tasked to record different sound samples throughout New York in order to create the ultimate beat. Completing this side mission unlocks the “Purple Reign Suit” and a PlayStation trophy titled “Deep Cuts.”

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This “ultimate beat” that Miles and his Uncle are trying to create is built up throughout the game as something that will blow the player's mind. Considering how great the music for Spider-Man: Miles Morales is during the game, it makes sense for gamers to have high expectations. Instead, the completed beat sounds like a collection of random noises that don’t quite mix like the game wants them to. The new meme mocks the song by showing what the developers wanted the player to look like when listening to this “ultimate beat.”

Aaron’s music sampling mission is one of the best side missions in Spider-Man: Miles Morales because of what Miles has to deal with emotionally as he’s collecting the samples. During that portion of the story, Miles knows that his uncle Aaron is actually a super villain named The Prowler, and collecting each sample conflicts with being loyal to his family and his responsibility of being Spider-Man. Unfortunately, this emotional connection between Miles, Aaron, and the music samples doesn’t mean much once the player hears how poor the final beat is.

There’s a high likelihood that The Prowler will be in Marvel’sSpider-Man 2, as Spider-Man: Miles Morales sets up his potential appearance. Only time will tell if Miles will be sent on another hunt for music samples and if the second attempt will actually result in the ultimate beat.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is available for PC, PS4, and PS5.

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