There probably isn't a character that has had as many successful iterations as Spider-Man. That's not just limited to other reality variants of Peter Parker, but the host of heroes that have taken up the mantle of Spider-Man. One such name is Brooklyn's own Miles Morales.

Spider-Man: Most Tragic Things That Happened To Miles Morales

As Spider-Man, Miles Morales is learning the difficulties of being a super hero through the many tragedies he has experienced as the famed web-head.

The teenage hero is a fairly new addition to Marvel, with the character being introduced in the fourth issue of the Ultimate Fallout series in 2011. Since the inception of the character, the hero has found his way into multiple media formats and continued to swing his way deeper into the hearts of fans of comic and video game fans alike. Here are some of the best renditions the character has seen in his recent history.

5 Ultimate Alliance Miles Morales

Appearance: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order

Miles Morales Joins Alliance Marvel Ultimate Alliance Spider-Man

In what was one of the bigger surprises to be announced during the 2018 The Game Awards, was that Marvel: Ultimate Alliance would be getting a sequel in 2019, as a Nintendo Switch exclusive. The massive Marvel roster Action RPG featured a slew of Marvel characters from the well-known to the more obscure. Among those playable heroes was the electrified web-slinging hero himself, Miles Morales.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The 20 Best Heroes, Ranked

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 offers players the chance to play as a ton of Marvel heroes, but which ones are the absolute best?

What will probably come as no surprise to gamers out there is how great Miles was to play in the game. Being able to swing across the stages, and his superpowered utility of webs, invisibility, and electrically juiced powers made him a great option for players looking to add some damaging impact and location control to their team. With so many characters, it's no surprise that during the cut scenes, Miles is fairly short-changed, but from his in-game dialogue and early game cut scenes, the game puts across a strong version of the wall-crawler.

The game presents him alongside Spider-Gwen and Ms. Marvel as relatively naive but courageous heroes, whilst they are being manipulated by the trickster Mysterio. Miles pledges to help the team but is later depicted as being worried about being able to help stop the cosmic threat, especially when he's struggling to stay on top of his own laundry. He's young and cautious but when it comes down to it, willing to do what needs to be done, a true Spider-Man.

4 The Mayor

Appearance: Miles Morales: The End

Miles Morales Old Miles Brooklynm Comic The End

Starting in 2002, Marvel released a series of comics under the banner of 'The End.' These comics take place outside the normal continuity of the Marvel Comic world but give fans and readers a look into what possible final fate awaits some of their most beloved characters. Among such featured characters as Hulk, Iron Man, Deadpool, and, of course, Miles Morales.

Set in an apocalyptic future where monstrous germs have ravaged the world, Miles Morales continues to fulfill his Spider-Man duties, caring for his city and saving the remaining survivors. As the protector of an isolated Brooklyn, the remaining survivors and its inhabitants have come to know the hero as simply 'The Mayor.' Having dealt with a super-soldier serum-powered Captain Last and his One America Army earlier, a new version of the villain, now merged with germs, breaches the protective sphere around Brooklyn. The Mayor and Captain Last engage in a brawl, to stop the invader, The Mayor uses all of his Bio-electricity powers to vanquish him, in the process killing himself. It's a selfless act by the hero and one that earns him a spot on the list.

3 Miles Morales's Comic Book

Appearance: Miles Morales: Spider-Man

Miles Morales Comic Book Punch Spider-Man

Created less than fifteen years ago, it's almost incomprehensible for fans to note just how popular Miles Morales' Spider-Man would have gone on to become in such a short space of time. Starring in hit films, he appeared in a multitude of video games and even spawned his mainline comics, whilst frequently appearing in other heroes' comic runs such as Venom or Captain America.

Miles Morales is a hero who wanted to live a normal life but had powers thrust upon him. Following a Spider-bite that gave him powers, he was reluctant to use them until the death of his universe's Spider-Man, in which he stepped up to protect the city with a Spider-Man Halloween costume, before finding himself and his Spider-Man style. Miles' is a character with a strong heart, filled with compassion, and follows the Spider-Man oath 'With great power, there must also come great responsibility.' to keep the city and the people he cares about safe.

It may be odd for some fans to see the character's comic book iteration sitting at 3rd. Still, when other iterations understood the character, only to build on that in new and exciting ways, it's hard to deny these strong foundations have led to some truly exceptional depictions of the character.

2 Spider-Verse Miles Morales

Appearance: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse & Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Donald Glover Prowler

The animated Spider-Verse movies have been an absolute hit with viewers and fans of Marvel alike. That's likely in large part due to the gorgeous animation style, clever writing, and brilliant depiction of Miles Morales leading the charge. The two movies feature a society full of different versions, including one such Spider-Man variant, a buggy with an alter ego, Peter Parkedcar. With a film littered with so many great variants of Spider-Man, it speaks volumes as to just how good the titular Miles Morales truly is in the movies.

The film introduces the spider bite similarly to the comics, but it is soon taught the ropes by a lax and carefree Peter. B. Parker as Miles hopes to learn how to use his powers and stop Kingpin from tearing apart New York, and the multiverse with it. The films depict Miles as a hero who's stretched too far, too thin, to please everyone, whilst trying to stay true to who he is. There's the brilliant moment in which Miles realizes being the best Spider-Man is to do it his way, and that confidence is carried through as he battles and swings with such swagger through the city.

His smartness is also highlighted as he manages to use his wits and speed to outwit the entire Spider society to get home. The film shows his intelligence, but also his naivety, and how well (or not so well) he copes facing every teenager's day-to-day struggles, all whilst balancing the life of Spider-Man on top. It showcases the best parts of what makes Spider-Man such a relatable and captivating character, and this iteration of Miles brings all that and more.

1 Insomniac Miles Morales

Appearance: Spider-Man, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2


Introduced back in 2018's Spider-Man, gamers who have Insomniac Games' Spider-Man titles so far will have seen the love given to the character as he continues to develop and grow into the Spider-Man fans know he can be. Miles' arc in the series has been tough, to say the least. Losing his father in a traumatic terrorist attack by Martin Li/Mr. Negative, or having to fight against his former best friend, in a fight that ultimately led to her losing her life as well, Miles has experienced a lot of loss.

Learning to deal with that and improve his home life and the capability to be Spider-Man is all part of what helped Insomniac Games set Miles up as the main Spider-Man following Spider-Man 2's conclusion.

5 Potential Storylines For Miles Morales In Marvel's Spider-Man 3

Fans are already anticipating what lies ahead for Miles Morales after Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Here are some predictions.

That loss doesn't touch on the growth the character has faced. Many times, Miles has had to make hard choices, and in those moments, made difficult choices, whether that was to keep fighting despite what his family and world around him said, or even sacrifice himself to save the surrounding city at a time when being Spider-Man was new for him.

He's powered through adversity, helped Peter Parker deal with a city ravaged by hunters and strong symbiotes, and even put aside his thirst for revenge and reformed the very villain that took the life of his father. Players found a true hero in Miles and watched that character drop some stellar quotes whilst beating bad guys or traversing the city in style. Insomniac truly got what made Miles Morales, and what his version of Spider-Man was. There's no denying from any gamer out there, that this iteration is one of, if not the best out there.

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With so many versions of Spider-Man across the multiverse, fans often ask who is the strongest Spider-Man. These are the most powerful.