
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 's ending confirms plans for a third title, with a greater focus on Miles Morales as the main character.
  • Miles' Venom powers have expanded and he is shown to be stronger and more capable than Peter Parker.
  • The next game will likely give more time to flesh out Miles' interactions with villains and build a relatable dynamic.

With the ending of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 leaving the door open for a variety of new villains and plot points within Insomniac's series, it also comes with a lead-up to a greater level of focus on Miles Morales. While there is no mention of future installments just yet, Marvel's Spider-Man 2's ending along with Insomniac's mention of Miles becoming the main character of the series all but confirms that there are plans for a third title.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2: 8 Comic Storylines The Game Pulls From

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 pulls inspiration from some of the best Marvel comics featuring the famed Wall-Crawler and his mythos.

Considering the main focus of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 being on Peter Parker and his relationship with Harry Osborn for the large majority of the narrative, Insomniac now has the chance to zone in on Miles Morales and create a new narrative-driven experience for players.

5 Formidable/Capable

Miles' Venom Powers Have Expanded

Miles Morales helping Peter

Insomniac has showcased a version of Miles that many would argue is stronger and more capable than Peter Parker, based on events in both Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Coming up against Phin Mason, known as the Tinkerer, may not have been much of a challenge in the aspect of powers and abilities, but defeating Symbiote Suit Peter in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and going toe-to-toe with Venom himself speaks volumes of Miles' capabilities.

Overcoming the aggressive nature of both Symbiote Peter and Venom takes a great level of strength, and with Peter putting down the mask for the foreseeable future, it makes sense for most of the responsibility to fall on Miles' shoulders. Whilst it does not completely rule Peter out of featuring in future titles, perhaps even the inevitable Marvel's Spider-Man 3, it suggests to fans that Insomniac is confident about making Miles the main man of the series.

4 New Story Lines

New Relationships With Old Villains

Miles Morales

As an origin story of Miles' first steps into life as one of the Spider-Men, Insomniac managed to produce a satisfying narrative throughout, regardless of its short length. A standout was Miles' first interactions with some classic Spider-Man villains like Mysterio, and what could be next for the Rogues Gallery.

5 Things We Hope To See In A Spider-Man 2 Sequel

After widespread praise of Insomniac's latest installment, there is plenty more to look forward to from a third entry in the series.

Since it is safe to say that, Miles was at the very least slightly sidelined in Marvel's Spider-Man 2's main storyline as aforementioned, with the narrative keeping Peter at the forefront of all ongoing events, a sequel to this title could change the formula. Considering the consensus among fans of Insomniac's Miles Morales standalone game standing as a spin-off or DLC to Marvel's Spider-Man, especially when looking at the short completion length, the eventual Marvel's Spider-Man 3 will not only give fans a new story to experience with the character but far much more time focused on than previous iterations.

3 More Solo Experience For Miles

Miles Morales Has Only Been Spider-Man For A Year

Miles and Peter talk

Taking the ending into consideration again, Miles is ready to fly solo, potentially for even longer on this occasion, giving Peter and MJ more time together. Aside from Peter's vacation in the Miles Morales title, Miles has seemingly not had much experience with solo Spider-Man work, particularly compared to Peter's.

With only under a year of being Spider-Man under the character's belt between Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man 2, there is still a lot for Miles to experience and endure, not only in terms of strength and his true potential but also maturity. While there is no doubt that fans will not wish to see a complete omission of Peter's presence in the next title, especially as a playable character, this mustn't overshadow Miles and his journey. The game's ending introduces Cindy Moon, whom comic fans will know as Silk, and this could be a character that could grow through training by Miles, potentially creating a new partnership.

2 Fewer Villains

Venom, Kraven, Shocker, Scorpion, Vulture No More...

Kraven the Hunter

Among some of the issues fans voiced regarding Marvel's Spider-Man 2, is the collection of villains present throughout the story, despite some taking on a change of heart. Jumping from a brief opening segment with Sandman, to Kraven the Hunter, to Symbiote Peter, the Lizard, and finally, Venom, fans felt that this led to the structure of the narrative feeling rushed and half-baked in some regions. Although the number of antagonists has been heavily decreased this time around, the presence of two Spider-Men reintroduces the issue.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2: 8 Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed

There are plenty of great easter eggs in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 for fans of Marvel Comics to enjoy.

While this does not ruin the core experience, as Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is possibly the best Spider-Man game available to date, the repeat of multiple villains was an issue for Miles' bigger inclusion in the title, with almost all villains focused on Peter. With one or two villains as a focus for the next game, it will give Insomniac more time to flesh out Miles' interactions with whomever those villains are and build a dynamic that makes any potential squabbles between them relatable.

1 More Downtime For Peter

Peter Takes A Step Back As The One And Only Spider-Man

Peter in Kraven's base

As previously mentioned, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 gives Peter Parker what seems to be a satisfying ending to his story for now within the Insomniac series. After all the events of Marvel's Spider-Man (2018), Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and all that occurred before the start of the series, it is reasonable for Peter to decide to sit out of crime-stopping action.

With the extreme threat the Venom Symbiote posed both whilst on Peter himself and attached to Harry as the host to become Venom now gone, it makes plenty of sense for the character to leave the responsibility to Miles for the time being. Until there is a major threat at hand or something that Miles or other heroes in Insomniac's universe can not handle, Peter has every right to enjoy his life away from being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

marvel's spider-man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2

October 20, 2023
Insomniac Games