
  • A "Venomized" version of Sandman in Spider-Man 2 was considered and cut, but it could be reconsidered in the future.
  • Venom is a popular character in the Spider-Man universe and plays a significant role in Spider-Man 2, bonding with different hosts.
  • Insomniac Games had the concept of Venomized Sandman, but it didn't pass the concept art stage.

A "Venomized" version of one of Marvel's Spider-Man 2's villains was apparently considered and then cut, according to Insomniac Games senior creative director Bryan Intihar. One of Spider-Man's most notorious foes, The Sandman, plays a key role in early Spider-Man 2. He also could have had a much larger role, according to Intihar, returning after being Venomized. That version of Sandman never got past Spider-Man 2's concept art, but Intihar says it's always possible it could be reconsidered.

Venom is one of the Spider-Man comic universe's most popular characters, and he plays a key role in the new Spider-Man 2 game. Venom is a sentient alien symbiote that survives by bonding with its host. In the comics, Venom's hosts include Eddie Brock, Flash Thompson, and even Peter Parker himself. In Spider-Man 2, Insomniac uses Venom uniquely, but it remains true that Venom can bond with different hosts and grant them unique powers.

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Speaking on IGN's Beyond podcast, Bryan Intihar shared some of the secrets that went into the development of Spider-Man 2. One of the most exciting details Intihar shared was that Insomniac had a Venomized Sandman concept planned at one point. While Intihar didn't break down what that means, exactly, it implies that Sandman would either bond with Venom or that Venom would use its powers to take over Sandman while still bonded with someone else. Either way, it would likely lead to a Sandman with a black suit, big teeth, and other exciting powers.

The Venomized Sandman concept was unfortunately left on Insomniac's cutting room floor, according to Intihar. There were several reasons for the decision. One, Intihar says it was difficult enough making Sandman as he is. Two, the time and resources necessary to deliver on the concept were too high. Venomized Sandman exists as concept art and an idea, but nothing more.

Intihar does say that Insomniac may decide to revisit the idea of a Venomized Sandman sometime in the future. He says the concept art is "really cool" and "maybe one day." Now that Venom is a part of Insomniac's Spider-Man universe, there are a number of exciting opportunities the team could explore in a sequel.

In the Spider-Man comics, Venom has played the role of villain, anti-hero, and full-on hero through the years. He's also a key step toward the introduction of Carnage, not to mention any number of other symbiote characters like Toxin and Knull. Venomized Sandman might be an exciting idea, but Insomniac likely has bigger concepts to tackle going forward. Still, it's interesting to consider what Spider-Man 2's story might have looked like with a Venomized Sandman and other potential Venom hosts.

Spider-Man 2 is available now on PS5.

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