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Marvel'sSpider-Man 2 is off to a flying start. The reviews are extremely positive, and that is something common in all of Insomniac Games' titles. Spider-Man 2 starts on a high note, with Miles and Peter taking on Sandman, one of the oldest enemies of Spider-Man.

In order to start the fight, players will have to reach Sandman's location. On their way, the game will go over the basics, such as web swings, web launches, etc. Not long after reaching the location, players will face Sandman, who has gone on a rampage.

Spider-Man 2: How to Play as Miles (and Switch Back to Peter)

One of the coolest features of Spider-Man 2 is being able to switch from Peter to Miles and vice versa --here's how to do it.

How To Defeat Sandman

To defeat Sandman, players will have to be patient and alert. Initially, they will be unable to deal any significant damage to Sandman. They will have to focus on dodging incoming strikes by pressing the Circle button. There is the option to throw things back at Sandman by pressing the R1 and L1 buttons at the same time to lower the foe's HP. After evading attacks for a while, players will get the option to use a Web Strike on the enemy by pressing the Triangle button. Sandman will then throw Peter into a building, and players will have to run away from his grasp. Keep the R2 button pressed, and use the left analog stick to guide Peter.

Players will see an innocent person in peril who can be rescued by pushing the Triangle button. Then keep swinging away till Miles intervenes and takes the person to safety. Players will be thrown into an area that is filled with sand minions. Start beating them up with the Square button. As they overwhelm Peter, he will bring out his special weapon. Use the Spider Barrage by pressing the L1 and Square buttons. This move targets and defeats a single enemy.

spider-man 2 Peter miles beat sandman

Eventually, the actual Sandman will appear, and players will have to press R1 and L1 to bring down a water pipe on him. Shortly afterward, players will take control of Miles, and they will have to start by throwing objects at Sandman. Shortly, a prompt will appear near the foe's shoulder. Press the Triangle button to crystallize Sandman's shoulder.

The enemy will start running away, and then players have to chase him down. When he stops to throw objects, press R1 to shoot webs at him. Then press the Triangle button to tear out chunks of his face and use them to hit Sandman by repeatedly tapping the Square button. Repeat the process, and this time end it by pushing the Triangle button to destroy Sandman's shoulder. This will result in Miles being thrown away, so players will have to reach him again.

Sandman will use sand streams that can cause hefty damage, so keep swinging around to avoid them. Use web shooters and use his sand chunks to hit him again. Finally, Peter will aid Miles by throwing a water tank toward Sandman's face. Players will have to press the Triangle button to attack the target one more time.

RELATED: Marvel's Spider-Man 2: How to Find Aunt May's Grave (You Know What to Do Trophy)

Subsequently, Sandman starts chasing both Peter and Miles. Control Miles using the left analog stick, and avoid incoming attacks by pressing the Circle button. Once on the roof, Miles is sent crashing down. In the next area, players will face more minions, and the game also teaches players how to use the Venom Punch. The move requires players to push the L1 and Square buttons.

After defeating the minions in the first area, players will have to move to the next floor, whereupon the roof crashes, injuring Miles badly. Heal by pressing the Down button on the D-Pad. Crawl out to defeat more of Sandman's minions.

Spider-man 2 defeat sandman peter

Finally, Sandman will rip apart the ceiling, allowing players to throw the water container toward him. Next, players are given the opportunity to use Peter as he falls from the sky. Utilize the Web Wings by pressing the Triangle button. Sandman will then start sending tornadoes in Peter's direction.

Players will have to navigate through the attacks with the help of the left analog stick. When the opportunity to web strike appears, press the button prompted on the screen. Not long after, players will have to fight more minions. Defeat all of them, and then perform another web strike.

spider-man 2 sandman defeat guide

Ultimately, Miles will help out the players by using his powers to charge the Spider Arms. Press the L1 and Circle buttons to unleash a deadly beam to tear down Sandman and bring his rampage to an end. With this, players will have defeated the first boss in the game. Sandman will be captured, and he will talk to Miles and Peter for a while.

Spider-Man 2 is now available on PlayStation 5.