
  • Spider-Man 2 will feature an intense brawl between Black Suit Spider-Man and The Lizard, one of the game's major villains.
  • The sequel takes place two years after the previous game and offers an expanded open world and a storyline focused on the personal lives of Peter Parker and Miles Morales.
  • Fans are eagerly awaiting the game's release, with excitement building over the improved combat mechanics and the potential involvement of Miles in the fight against The Lizard.

Some new Spider-Man 2 footage showcases a vicious brawl between Black Suit Spider-Man and The Lizard. Spider-Man 2 previously confirmed The Lizard to be one of its bigger villains for Peter and Miles to fight, alongside Kraven the Hunter and Venom.

A sequel to the critically acclaimed 2018 title, Spider-Man 2 takes place almost two years later and is centered on Peter Parker and Miles Morales taking the next steps in their personal lives while also fighting off a litany of villains and navigating a greatly expanded open world that no longer confines them to Manhattan. The Lizard, a.k.a. Dr. Curt Connors, first made a cameo in 2020's Miles Morales spin-off. Gaining a beastly form after experimenting with reptilian DNA, this mutated menace has remained one of the webslinger's most popular villains, known for his razor-sharp claws, incredible strength, and the ability to regrow his parts near-instantaneously.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Reveals Two New Suits for the Game

PlayStation unveils two new Marvel's Spider-Man 2 outfits which are set to debut once the game officially launches on October 20.

The official PlayStation Twitter account unveiled some new Spider-Man 2 footage, showcasing this new Lizard, whose detailed new design was modeled after various real-world reptiles, as he faces off against Peter's Spider-Man in his black suit. The silent, five-second clip shows the two wall-crawlers duking it out on a wall. Lizard takes spin-kick to the face and attempts to lunge at Spider-Man with a deadly bite, but the latter dodges in slow-motion, narrowly missing a puncture on his leg from his teeth. Peter then counters by swinging in and delivering a flip-kick to the reptilian villain's stomach, sending him crashing into the floor on his back.

The comment section consisted of pretty much nothing but hype, with many players expressing their impatience at the remaining wait time until the game's official launch. Some stated that they already had Spider-Man 2 preloaded and others complained that the publisher was teasing them too much and only making them more impatient. Considering how beloved and popular the first Spider-Man game was, it's no surprise this sequel is so hotly anticipated.

It should be very exciting to see how the rest of this fight plays out in the final game, given how much Spider-Man 2's combat has been improved, as well as the story context surrounding it. Not to mention whether this fight will be playable with Miles, whose unique abilities could drastically alter how the battle plays out. Fortunately, players don't have very long to wait to find all of this out.

Spider-Man 2 will release as a PlayStation 5 exclusive on October 20, 2023.

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