Spelunky is one of the greatest roguelike games ever made. In fact, most people consider this indie title to be a major pioneer in the genre that kickstarted the roguelike revolution. The fact that AAA games like Returnal have started adopting the roguelike formula to great success is indicative of just how popular the genre has become.

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Spelunky might be more well-known for the HD remake and its sequel, but long-time fans fondly remember the classic edition of Spelunky that set the groundwork for future games in the series. The fact that Spelunky Classic still holds strong to this day is indicative of just how strong the formula of the series really was, and players who want to try out the classic edition of this beloved series can download the following mods to enhance their experience even more!

10 Spelunky Cata Edition

Spelunky Classic mod

Given how cute and endearing the art style of Spelunky is, one wouldn't be faulted for expecting the game to be extremely family-friendly. However, the amount of blood and violence present in this title indicates otherwise.

Thankfully, the Spelunky Cata Edition mod takes care of this issue by removing any blood, guns, or any other violent element of the game. It also replaces the Damsel with Sans, which is pretty hilarious.

9 Spelunky Invincible - A Cheat Mod

Spelunky Classic game

Spelunky Classic is not an easy game in the slightest. Any fan of the series knows just how incredibly punishing this game is, leading to frustrating situations where all the progress made by a player is rendered mostly useless with a single death.

Players who don't want to feel frustrated while playing Spelunky should download this mod to preserve this sanity. It integrates a simple cheat tool that allows players to type out any item they might want to make proceedings easier in the game.

8 Yet Another Spelunky Mod

Spelunky Classic gameplay

Yet Another Spelunky Mod — or YASM, for short — is a great Spelunky Classic that integrates a host of welcome changes to the game. Perhaps the most useful alteration in this regard is the integration of an inventory to make item management and storage easier.

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Along with this, there are a host of small changes that do wonders to improve the overall experience. From setting the darkness level to adding a Bizarre mode — alterations like these make YASM a must-have mod for fans of Spelunky Classic.

7 Tastes Like Spelunky

Tastes Like Spelunky mod

Players who want to play Spelunky Classic as a ravenous plant should definitely download this mod. It changes the main character of Spelunky Classic into a ManTrap, allowing for some exciting gameplay indeed.

Players can eat items to gain powers now, along with new changes like a calorie system and ManTrap shops to make the experience feel even more authentic. It's easy to see why so many people absolutely adore the Tastes Like Spelunky mod.

6 Spelunky PotionMod

Spelunky Classic gameplay screenshot

Spelunky Classic might be a great title, but even this amazing experience can feel rather repetitive after a point. It's at this point that players would want to experiment around with a new mechanic that can freshen up things.

This is where the Spelunky PotionMod comes into the picture. It adds a unique potion-making mechanic that can make the game significantly easier once players get a hang of this mechanic.

5 Spelunky Shopkeep

Spelunky Shopkeep mod for Spelunky Classic

Players who want to enjoy a fresh change of pace in Spelunky Classic need not look further than this mod. While this mod might seem like nothing more than a palette swap in the early going — with the Spelunker being switched out with the shopkeeper — there's more going on behind the scenes here.

For starters, players gain access to a shotgun all the time, albeit with limited ammunition as opposed to the unlimited shots they had with the normal shotgun. The shopkeeper also has a longer jump that is offset by the integration of two ropes instead of four.

4 Evil Death Spelunky

Gameplay in Spelunky Classic

Spelunky is already a challenging title as is. However, players who want to enable a downright sadistic experience should definitely opt for this mod.

Evil Death Spelunky turns all the enemies in the game into imposing behemoths that can't be taken down without a large number of attacks. Suffice to say, players will need to start avoiding these enemies to allow for even the slightest chance of survival.

3 Spelunky Portable

A gameplay screenshot of Spelunky Classic

Spelunky Classic saved games in the system's registry, as opposed to the game files. This meant that any player who decided to copy Spelunky onto a USB stick would have to start from scratch on a newer system.

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Thankfully, Spelunky Portable makes this issue a thing of the past. Save files are now stored in the game directory instead, making it way easier to play your game on other systems without too much of a hassle.

2 Spelunky (Now Even Harder)

Gameplay screenshot of Spelunky Classic

While Evil Death Spelunky makes things downright unfair at times, this mod increases the difficulty of the game but in a more balanced manner. Sure, enemies are harder and traps are more frequent... but it never delves into the realm of the insane.

Players who've mastered the basic systems of Spelunky will be well-serviced by this challenging mod. It makes numerous changes to the systems of Spelunky Classic to make for a riveting and slightly brutal experience.

1 Spelunky SD

Spelunky SD mod for Spelunky Classic

Spelunky SD is easily one of the most notable mods for Spelunky Classic. It adds a bunch of tweaks and fixes to the game, that are pretty notable in their own right.

However, the biggest change made by Spelunky SD is the integration of co-op. Playing Spelunky with a friend is bound to be an interesting experience in every sense of the word.

Spelunky Classic was released on December 1, 2008, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation Vita, and Nintendo Switch.

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