Spellforce: Conquest of Eo is a game that is in the strategy genre, and part of the Spellforce line of games, as well. Although it is primarily turn based, this game also has real time strategy (otherwise known as RTS) mechanics to it as well, providing a fun and unique experience.

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There are going to be many players who will be able to instantly take to the game and all of its unique mechanics. However, some people may end up struggling a bit in the beginner, and thus may need some tips before they get started in their game play.

6 Keep Those Goblins Alive

Spellforce Conquest of Eo - Blue

When a player first starts out in the game, they are going to have a few goblins that will make up their small army. Unfortunately, these goblins are pretty easy to get killed during gameplay, even if a player is actively trying not to let them die early on.

However, keeping those goblins alive is going to be really important, especially right at the beginning of the game when a player does not have much to build their army with. Something that makes these goblins especially useful, though, is that they have a specific trait that requires no maintenance (versus other, stronger units, where a player will have to actively take care of them).

5 The Necromancer Is A More Advanced Class

Spellforce Conquest of Eo - Orc

The thought of playing a necromancer is going to be very tempting for quite a few players. After all, the idea of being able to revive fallen teammates (or even summon undead monsters to add to the army) is going to be something that many players may want to do.

However, it has been figured out by players that playing as the Necromancer is not something that a newer player will want to do. The Necromancer starts off in a difficult position in the game (as it cannot interact with a lot of subsystems), meaning that newer players would get half of a tutorial at best.

4 Goldenfields Is Easy To Start Off With

Spellforce Conquest of Eo - Grimoire

If a player wants to start off on the right foot in their save file, they will want to start off in Goldenfields. When it comes to SpellForce: Conquest of Eo, the Goldenfields area is essentially playing on "easy mode" for them.

This is because Goldenfields has so many possibilities about where a player can go and expand in the game, due to being in an area surrounded by resources. It is very flexible depending on how a player wants to play, and even more experienced players will start off in Goldenfields for some wiggle room.

3 Get A Healer As Soon As Possible

Spellforce Conquest of Eo - Glyphs

Healers are going to be incredibly important for a player to have in their team when it comes to Spellforce: Conquest of Eo. This is mainly because of the fact that units are going to be taking a lot of damage during gameplay, and it would really be terrible if their units were to end up dying from that.

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Luckily, healers are rather abundant in the game (they can be recruited just the same as regular units, who are picked up along the way during gameplay). As such, there would be a great benefit to the player for getting a healer in their team as quickly as possible.

2 Claim Some Mines for Easy Gold

Spellforce Conquest of Eo - Crystals

Gold is the in game currency that a player will have to keep an eye on while playing through SpellForce: Conquest of Eo. It can be very easy for a player to run out of Gold while playing through the game - something that is going to hurt them in the short and long term, because Gold is used for almost everything in the game.

Luckily, though, there is a quick way for a player to gather up Gold in the game. All they have to do in the early game is to go north towards the mountains, and use an apprentice in order to claim one of the many Gold mines that are scattered throughout the mountains - thus becoming an easy source of income for a player to use during the beginning of the game.

1 Rooting Is A Very Good Status Effect

Spellforce Conquest of Eo - Cliffs

If a player wants to get rid of enemies quickly, they will want to learn about how status effects work in the game. They are temporary ways to either weaken or strengthen allies and enemies - as a player will soon find out, the Rooting status effect is one of the best in the game.

Essentially, Rooting will make enemies much more vulnerable to damage, making even the lighter of attacks become nearly deadly against them. The Rooting status effect will be very good for new players to wield as much as they can (which can be done with gear crafted to place Rooting on their enemies being equipped on units).

SpellForce: Conquest of Eo is available on Microsoft Windows.

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