A Space for the Unbound is a slice of life adventure game that touts its beautiful pixel graphics and setting of a rural Indonesian town in the 90s as its main selling points. A player must take control of a boy named Atma, and follow his journey of self discovery with his high school sweetheart Raya.

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Despite the game being primarily about exploring and talking to people, there are a few players who may end up getting stuck along the way in their gameplay. There are some beginner tips that players should learn about before getting started.

6 Don't Be Afraid To Pet Cats

A Space for the Unbound - Raya

There are multiple cats that are scattered throughout the world of A Space for the Unbound. This is something that many players will figure out, but quite a few people will not realize at first that they can actually pet them.

Petting cats is not really something that will add too much to the game, but it is a great way for a player to experience the game's worldbuilding and what it has to offer. A player will actually be able to name new cats they meet, as well, which can bring a smile to their face.

5 Talking To Everyone Is A Good Idea

A Space for the Unbound - Locked

Seeing as how A Space for the Unbound is primarily a game focused around the story and world building, it would be an excellent idea for a player to make sure they talk to everyone they can. It will be one of the quickest ways for a player to advance the storyline.

If a player finds themselves lost or unsure of what to do next, they can just talk to all the NPCs around them. It could be a way to refresh their memory on what to do, or a good way for a player to get more information to advance the main storyline they are going through.

4 Not Everything Is Straightforward

A Space for the Unbound - Fire

Sometimes, the path to the next plot point is not as simple as a player would think it is. There may be times where a player will have to pick up a certain item, or have to talk to a certain character again after already interacting with them once.

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As such, it is worth it for a player to remember this. Should a player get frustrated due to not knowing where to go next, it would be a good idea to circle back and try to interact with other characters they have already seen or interacted with.

3 Read The Tales Once Unlocked

A Space for the Unbound - Door

Something neat that players have figured out is that, in the player's book which is used to refresh them on their objectives, there are multiple stories within. These stories are not really made to give a player more items, but it would still benefit a player to read through them once unlocked.

It is relatively easy to unlock these stories - they will be available as a player goes through the game naturally. While they do not provide any bonuses in game for reading these stories, it can help a player to better understand the setting of the game, and act as worldbuilding.

2 Don't Forget To Explore

A Space for the Unbound - Fighting

Exploration is a huge part of the game A Space for the Unbound, and for good reason. The carefully crafted world is full of secrets and important items that a player will usually have to get if they want to progress in the story.

It would be a good idea for a player to take a few extra minutes of time to explore every corner of each area they get to. It could be how a player finds an integral item that they initially overlooked, but opens up the door to much more possibilities.

1 Use The Objectives In The Book

A Space for the Unbound - Casette

If a player gets stuck along the way, or they forget what the goal of the game was at the moment, there is a relatively quick way for them to get themselves back on track. All they have to do is to look through their red book, which acts as a menu of sorts for the game A Space for the Unbound. This menu is a great way for the player to remember just what they were doing, and it is not very hard for a player to see why when they get into the game.

Essentially, a player will have a list of objectives that updates as time goes on in the game, and they complete more of the story. When a player opens up their book and goes to the tab labeled "Objectives," they can take a quick glance at everything they have already completed so far, and see what the latest objective is as well.

A Space for the Unbound is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Mac operating systems, and Linux.

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