With the advent of Demon's Souls, developer FromSoftware went on to create not only a number of highly popular action-RPGs, but an entire subgenre of video game. Nowadays, the 'Soulslike' genre has amassed not only an incredible following, but a great library of games, too – FromSoft's own Elden Ring included.

From Nioh to the upcoming Soulslike Thymesia, developers around the world have been adapting FromSoft's core formula to create their own vast worlds. The popularity of the genre makes one wonder if established franchises should consider creating a Soulslike entry for themselves. Of all the established entries in video games, these would benefit from taking on environmental narratives sprinkled with brutal, unforgiving gameplay.

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bioshock 4 ratings

One franchise that could benefit from a Soulslike entry is BioShock. There's already a dark and brutal world within the games – or in the case of BioShock Infinite, a dark undertone – and Cloud Chamber could bring the franchise to a whole different level with a Soulslike entry. With BioShock 4 facing possible difficulties, this could be a ticket to success.

Creating a Soulslike game for BioShock would be a great creative exercise to further expand the lore of the game and break the linear storyline streak. The unforgiving nature of a Soulslike game could also elevate BioShock's gameplay, and through Infinite's notion of parallel universes, a Soulslike entry could even feature the mechanic of losing everything at death, then starting again. A first-person shooter Soulslike in the BioShock world is a solid idea.


Bayonetta dual-wielding pistols against enemies in Bayonetta 2

A Bayonetta Soulslike entry actually makes a lot of sense since the series itself is nearly there. Throughout the first two games, players already have to face ludicrously large, intense bosses as the hair-demon and pistol wielding Bayonetta, all PlatinumGames needs to do is open up the world and the lore of Umbra and Lumen to be more exploration-focused.

The studio could go the same route as with the above BioShock suggestion and utilize the established alternate timelines to help make the loss mechanic make more sense. Bayonetta's overall story can still be told throughout this exercise; the only difference is that the players themselves are exploring the lore as they go on missions and tasks rather than be handheld throughout a linear story.

Assassin's Creed

Arno crouching on a roof looking over Paris in Assassin's Creed Unity

Recent Assassin's Creed games have managed to refresh the series by exploring other aspects of the franchise's universe, rather than continue the Assassins versus Templars storyline. While this idea may work better as a spin-off rather than a main-line entry, a Soulslike, stealth-forward Assassin's Creed game could fit into the already established lore quite well. Ubisoft just needs to allow players to explore it themselves while completing an overall goal.

If utilizing the Animus again, each player death should lead to a loss of some kind. While it's not technically possible logically, it does open up the possibility to get creative with the Assassin's Creed lore. Otherwise, providing the game with challenging gameplay and an open storyline will already give the franchise the Soulslike twist needed to benefit the series should Ubisoft want to continue creating Assassin's Creed games.

RELATED: Another Crab's Treasure is the First Silly Soulslike

Elder Scrolls

Skyrim Player Uses Netch Jelly to Survive Fall

Technically, the Elder Scrolls franchise is about halfway to being a Soulslike game – especially Skyrim. Since most FromSoftware games could be considered Elder Scrolls games on steroids, Bethesda could utilize that to its advantage and create its own Soulslike entry.

While it might seem like a big studio jumping on a hype-train, with the Elder Scrolls franchise, a jump to Soulslike could work well. With the Elder Scrolls franchise featuring a broad history and vast landscapes, all Bethesda needs to do to create a Soulslike entry is to open up its deep lore and create some truly unforgiving bosses.

Mega Man

mega man x collection villains plus x feature

If Capcom wants to bring Mega Man back, the franchise needs a hard refresh. Firstly, the Blue Bomber games need to be brought back to the second dimension. Secondly, Capcom should consider giving the next entry a Soulslike refresh rather than continue its roguelike path. There is plenty of room for the Mega Man series to grow.

Blasphemous and Hollow Knight are two successful 2D Soulslike games and both have created fanbases of their own. The next Mega Man entry could benefit by creating an environmental, non-linear narrative plus cranking up its difficulty to be more aligned with other titles in the 2D world.

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