An unhappy tribe is an unproductive tribe, and maximizing the output of their base is the goal of any entrepreneurial cult leader. One part of that is choosing the right location for the base, and the other is managing the followers working on that base properly. In Soulmask, players need to take care of not just the food and water requirements of their tribe members but also their mood and morale.

Figuring out what makes a tribe member tick and structuring their routine around their likes and dislikes is the key to keeping them in high spirits. There are several factors to consider if the mood of a tribe is taking a turn for the worse.

Soulmask: How To Level Up Fast

Having trouble getting your level up to a respectable level in Soulmask? This guide will help you rise through the ranks.

How To Improve Mood And Morale In Soulmask

follower likes and dislikes in soulmask

There are a few different things that players can do in order to improve the mood of their followers. These are as follows:

  • Build Better Furniture: Furniture such as grass mats, beds, chairs, etc., grant a comfort bonus to tribe members who use them. Building better furniture means they will get a bigger bonus. It's important to have enough beds and mats for all your tribe members. Though, having extra doesn't hurt either.
  • Build Essential Buildings: Building a bonfire grants a 400 comfort bonus, while outhouses for the player's followers give 200 each. Similarly, water collection tanks and wells make the lives of your tribe members easier, giving them a certain level of comfort and increasing their mood in the long run.
  • Serve Different Foods: Different followers have different likes and dislikes. Players can micromanage them and make just the right food for them. Alternatively, players can make sure that the dining table is always equipped with a large variety of food for all the different tribe members. Certain foods and drinks also give mood bonuses and regenerate followers' mood faster than others. Once players increase their Awareness Strength, they will get a lot more options regarding the food they make.
  • Assign Appropriate Tasks: All followers are inclined to do one thing or the other. This can be identified from the follower menu. Certain followers prefer to guard the player rather than work at the base, and they will be in a better mood if the player lets them work according to their talents and wants. It might be necessary to assign them to the base anyways but remember that it will cause them some level of discomfort that the player will need to compensate for.
  • Manage Individual Needs: Every follower has certain things they like or dislike doing. Some will hate working on the farms, while others will be deathly afraid of Alpacas. Players need to work around these and manage their tribe members accordingly in order to maximize the output of their base. It can be difficult to do when players have a large amount of followers, but it's an important part of managing the base.
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May 31, 2024
CampFire Studio
Qooland Games