The thing that distinguishes Soulmask from the other medieval survival games out there is the titular Soulmask. This piece of gear is the most important part of the player’s arsenal, and it can be repaired to get powerful boons in the form of Mask Nodes.

However, upgrading the mask requires Green Crystals, a limited resource that is hard to find in the wilderness. Choosing the right upgrade at the start of a run is extremely important. Here are all the best ones from the first three masks in the game.

Soulmask: Which Stats To Level Up First

There are five character stats that players can upgrade using skill points in Soulmask. Here are the ones you should level up first.

Best Mask Nodes To Repair In Soulmask

best nodes to upgrade first in soulmask

All masks in the game share two universal tech trees, the Core Functional Module and Auxiliary Functional Module. The Core Functional Module has essential features such as Deter and Control while the Auxiliary Functional Module gives the player experience bonuses for different proficiencies.

Players should choose the Auxiliary Nodes according to what proficiency they want to raise. The Core Functional Module nodes should be repaired as soon as possible. Out of them, the most important ones are Energy Unit, Perception Enhancement, and Connection Enhancement.

Energy Unit gives the player more Mask Energy to use, Perception Enhancement lets them see further with Life Perception, and Connection Enhancement lets players recruit more tribesmen.

Body Enhancement nodes should be repaired once the associated Data Updates are obtained by killing different pyramid bosses in the world.

Some nodes, like Energy Unit, can be upgraded multiple times for increasing benefits.

The difference between the different masks in the game comes from the Mask Interface Module, which changes depending on the mask the player is wearing. The initial node for all masks is the same, i.e., Common Overclock. It is a must-repair, and players should get it as soon as possible. It only costs 2 Green Crystals and can be unlocked at Mask Level 1. It grants the player a 50% bonus on Mask experience gained throughout their journey.

Mask TypeMask NodeMask LevelRequired MaterialDescription
CivilizationStamina Surge25Critical Barrier and Stamina Surge are the best friends of any tank. Critical Barrier reduces headshot damage that players take, while Stamina Surge gives a +5 and +10 to Stamina and Max Load, respectively. Outer Armor and Sequence Protection make the player a fortress.
Critical Barrier412
Outer Armor516
Sequence Protection620
ConquestNoise Absorption38Noise Absorption and Light Disturbance make the player harder to detect, while Hidden Assault gives the player a damage boost when dealing boost attacks, perfectly complementing the previous two nodes. Players will need to level up their mask to Level 6 before they can get Hidden Assault.
Light Disturbance516
Hidden Assault620
RichData Analysis25Data Analysis gives the player a better perception of enemies around them. Deeply Focused reduces the stamina cost while doing anything at all. Poison Injection greatly boosts the damage they can deal.
Poison Injection516
Deeply Focused620
Soulmask Tag Page Cover Art

May 31, 2024
CampFire Studio
Qooland Games