Soulmask is an indie survival game developed by CampFire Studio and published by Qooland Games. The game follows the player's character as they escape from a sacrificial ritual and discover an ancient mask along the way.

This game is pretty great, and a lot of players have given it good reviews so far. Here's a guide to help new players who are wondering what they should do first to set themselves up for success as they navigate the jungles of this game.

5 Survival Games With The Best Cooking Systems, Ranked

A great part of survival games is finding and cooking food. Some games do this mechanic better than others, with a surprising degree of depth.

Pick Your Mask In Soulmask Based On Your Gameplay Style

In the opening moments of the game, players will encounter an ancient mask and be asked to pick a type. The types are Civilization, Conquest, and Rich, and each corresponds with a specific playstyle. Players will want to decide on a mask based on how they want to play the game.

  • Civilization: This mask is for players wanting to play a fighter or warrior-like class. They will focus on running into battle headfirst and destroying the enemies.
  • Conquest: The Conquest mask is made for players who want to play as a rogue. These players will focus on sneaking around and attacking from the shadows.
  • Rich: This final mask type is focused on a ranger or archery build. With this mask, players will use bows to take out their enemies from a distance.

Finish The Tutorial

Soulmask - Tutorial

In a lot of games, players will usually skip the tutorial and go straight into the action. While players can certainly do this in Soulmask, they are going to be at an extreme disadvantage. The tutorial will tell players about the vital game mechanics that set it apart from other survival games. The game can be a little difficult to grasp, so finishing the tutorial can truly help players understand what is going on.

8 Best Survival Games For Short Play Sessions

Survival games don't need to be tense and stressful. In fact, these survival games are ideal for players who prefer shorter, casual play sessions.

Gain Proficiency While Playing

Soulmask - Proficiency

As players explore the world around them, they can gain proficiency in specific areas. These areas include the different types of resource gathering (logging, mining, harvesting, etc.), the types of crafting (leatherwork, weaving, weapon crafting, etc.), and the different types of attacking (bow, spear, blade, etc.). The higher their proficiency is, the better they will be. For example, logging proficiency can give players a boost to their logging output, decrease the amount of stamina used, lower the amount of durability used when logging, and increase their speed. This can be so helpful when needing to gather a large quantity of items.

Craft Different Weapon Types

Soulmask - Crafting Weapons

Crafting different types of weapons is key to figuring out how the game's weapons best suit each player. Different weapons have a completely different feel and way of being used. If players start to experiment with the different weapons that they can make, they may find that they prefer one type over the other. There are a ton of weapons that players can unlock, and some of the more common ones are the blade, dual blades, spear, bow, and great sword (though these aren't all the weapon types).

20 Best Survival Horror Games Of All Time, Ranked

Sometimes in a game, just surviving to the end is the goal. These are the best survival horror games of all time.

Pick Up Everything

Soulmask - Picking up items

Just like with most survival games, it is vital to have resources in Soulmask. Players will constantly need to craft new items, weapons, armor, base furniture, etc., in order to survive and thrive in the new world that they have been thrust into. Keeping a long list of resources at the base can ensure that players are always prepared to craft the next thing needed on their journey. Players will eventually start needing a larger amount of resources for crafting.

Build Bases Near Resources

Soulmask - Campfire Near Water

Bases are going to be one of the most important parts of the game. When players build a campfire, this is where they can revive if they die during the game (so long as the fire doesn't go out). The best places to build a base would be by resources. For example, make sure that there is access to water nearby, some trees, a good amount of stone, and even some bushes to cut down. When players have a constant supply of resources, they won't need to go out hunting for them nearly as often.

Most Influential Survival Games, Ranked

The survival genre has grown a lot in the last few years, and much of it has been shaped by these influential survival titles.

Obtain The Control Ability

Soulmask - Control Skill

One of the coolest aspects of the mask players obtain is that it has a lot of interesting powers. Players can control the NPCs around the game and tame different wild animals, making it an interesting mechanic. However, in order to unlock this ability, players will need to investigate the Mysterious Ruins around the map. The one that is located within the starting area is a great place to go to obtain this ability and start using it on the many different characters in the game.

Soulmask Tag Page Cover Art

May 31, 2024
CampFire Studio
Qooland Games