Fans have rejoiced with the recent announcement of the third DLC character for Soulcalibur 6's second season pass. This character, of course, is the beautiful, but deadly Setsuka, a character first being made playable in Soulcalibur 3 and not being properly playable again since Soulcalibur 4.

Setsuka was shown in a video recently released by Bandai Namco that shows her fighting various characters in Soulcalibur 6, as well as a few scenes showing her connection to existing fighter, Mitsurugi. Her design resembles her appearance in Soulcalibur 4 with her weapon remaining her iconic ugetsu kageuchi, which is a blade hidden inside a parasol.

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With Setsuka being a fan favorite that many Soulcalibur players wanted to see again, her DLC is likely to be popular and might even convince old fans that dropped the series to pick it up once more to play as her once more.

SC6 Setsuka gameplay

While Soulcalibur 6 takes place in a rebooted timeline, Setsuka's history will likely remain similar to how it was in the original timeline. This is especially likely considering how her reveal trailer played up their connection.

In the original timeline, she wasn't native to Japan but still lived there with her family. After running away from her family, she was taken in by a bodyguard who renamed her Setsuka and taught her how to use the blade to protect others and herself. However, she found her adoptive father dying one day after returning from a mission. After he passed, Setsuka discovered that the one who defeated him was Mitsurugi. She then went on a journey focused on revenge.

In previous games, Setsuka was a very speedy fighter with powerful combos. This can be somewhat seen in her recent reveal trailer, although some of the footage is slowed down. Her combos can overwhelm opponents when used correctly and can prevent the other player from recovering properly. However, this comes with the drawback of her play style being on the difficult side to learn. This makes her not recommended for players who aren't familiar with Soulcalibur or those who are rusty.

With her being hard to master, practicing with Setsuka might be worth it for players who want to play a character that can overwhelm others when used correctly. Of course, her gameplay and balancing may have changed since her last appearance, causing her to possibly be easier to counter or easier to learn. Of course, veterans to the series would likely want her the function the same once she's properly returned on August 4th.

Soulcalibur 6 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

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