Sony PS4 Shaped By Xbox One Criticism

For many gamers, the highlight of E3 2013 wasn’t some hot new IP, flashy tech-demo or long-awaited sequel; it was just a man, on a stage, telling people exactly what they wanted to hear. Jack Tretton’s list-ticking takedown of the Xbox One’s online requirements turned a tepid console war into a full-blown ideological fistfight. Oppressors were outed, activists applauded and fanboy divisions formed.

The event marked a wonderful moment for Sony, a company primed to deliver an otherwise unremarkable showing (where major exclusive games were concerned), saved by the competition planting their flag first. So how close did we come to getting another dull Sony conference? Closer than you might think.

Speaking to Japan’s Famitsu magazine this week, SCE Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida claimed that negative reaction to the Xbox One unveiling proved “very useful” in presenting his company’s rival console. Following Microsoft’s TV-centric February reveal, Sony had plenty of time to beef up their E3 offensive, though any console-related changes remained out of the question:

“It’s not that our hardware policies are decided strictly based on user reaction like this, but when we were thinking about what we had to bring across and how to bring it across, it was a very useful source.”

Despite the ever shifting issues at the heart of gaming (how many everyday gamers had pondered the future of used games before this public debate?) Sony’s decision to approach the PlayStation 4 project from a fan-pleasing, largely unadventurous perspective has already paid handsome dividends.

Unlike Microsoft’s infamous about-turn on always-online gaming, it appears Sony never intended to amend the PS4’s core functionality, no matter the competitor-based pressure. Had Microsoft unveiled a new Wii-like game-changer instead of the now-neutered Xbox One, Sony’s latest console may well have appeared old fashioned and conservative by comparison.

In terms of PS4 pricing, SCE Japan Asia President Hiroshi Kawano refused to provide an exact figure for Japanese markets. As regards the console’s Western cost, Kawano stated: “…what works for us isn’t as important as what will get us user support.” Will Sony be able to keep up this level of consumer commitment throughout the life of the console? Keep your eyes on Game ZXC for all your PS4 related news.

What did you think of Sony’s press conference? Did they really earn their E3 win? Will the company’s focus on pleasing today’s gamers prevent them from unveiling tomorrow’s exciting innovation? Head to the comments section below to have your say.


Follow Sam on Twitter @GamingGoo

Source: Famitsu (via Polygon)