The live show will start on Monday, June 9th at 5:45PM PT.

With Microsoft's Xbox Media Briefing and the press conferences from third-party publishers Electronic Arts and Ubisoft out of the way, the first day of E3 2014 conludes with Sony's PlayStation showcase. Last year, they stole the show, delivering Xbox-crushing for-the-gamer style announcements, even taking shots at their opponent to cheerful attendees. What will they do this year?

Before we can get to the games, we can say the console makers are acting more more friendly this year, each taking an approach on improving themselves and complimenting the opposition. It is what Sony did last year that changed much of what Microsoft had planned for the Xbox One. So, with a more even playing field heading into E3 2014 - it's all about the games.

We'll definitely get a new God of War, and probably hear about The Last Guardian. We'll see what's new with DriveClub and hopefully get a full reveal of the next Uncharted. There will be plenty of indies and a few huge third-party titles (Destiny) but the big question is whether or not we'll see the Project Morpheus VR headset and an official launch window for the prototype device.

Game ZXC E3 2014 Live Coverage


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