Audiences are fairly familiar with the Spider-Man anti-hero, Venom. The alien symbiote first appeared on-screen in 2007’s Spider-Man 3. However, the movie was a bit of a mess, with critics and fans souring alike after the successes of Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2. So, Sony shelved Venom for 11 years after the haphazard appearance in Spider-Man 3. But, the studio brought the character back with a vengeance, giving him his own solo movie. A-list actor Tom Hardy portrayed Eddie Brock/Venom, and the film was a success among fans, if not with the critics.

Fast forward to 2021 and Venom gets his second feature film: Venom: Let There Be Carnage. In a post-credit scene, Sony connects Venom to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and specifically Spider-Man. This caused a positive uproar, that Tom Hardy’s Venom would be interacting at some point with Tom Holland’s Peter Parker.

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However, one of the post-credit scenes in Spider-Man: No Way Home squashed that possibility. In the scene, Eddie Brock is shown being pulled back into his own dimension, telling audiences that he is not connected to the MCU and Spider-Man any longer. However, a drop of the symbiote’s fluid is left behind, suggesting a new character from within the MCU could pick up the mantle of Venom.

Tom Hardy as Eddie talking to Venom

Now, Marvel Studios has a real chance to tell a proper Venom story, one that is finally connected to Spider-Man. If Marvel wants to do this right, they should have Venom involved in Tom Holland’s next Spider-Man trilogy, and not just one film. That doesn’t mean that Venom has to be the chief antagonist in each film, but it does mean he should be the main antagonist in at least one of the films and the character should be interwoven in all three.

Discovery of the Symbiotic Fluid

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Early in the next Spider-Man trilogy, someone or an entity should discover the symbiotic fluid. Although it is currently in Mexico, surely it could attach to someone’s luggage or a vehicle and make its way to New York City.

Upon the discovery of the fluid, it should be isolated in a lab or some government site. Marvel has done this sort of thing before with the discovery of Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, in New Mexico. When considering that series of scenes from Thor, Marvel has the perfect model on which to implement the discovery of Venom’s symbiotic substance.

The Symbiote Attaches to Peter Parker

The black symbiote suit in Spider-Man 3

The next point in the story arc should be fairly easy for Marvel to pull off. Peter has a background in science, so he could potentially gain access to the symbiote. Of course, at that point, the symbiote would attach itself to Peter.

At this point in the trilogy, things could turn dark. With the symbiote getting a taste for Peter’s Spider-Man powers, the symbiote would attach itself to its host quickly and mercilessly. It could really bring out Peter’s dark side that was briefly exposed in Spider-Man: No Way Home after the Green Goblin murdered Aunt May. Bringing out Peter’s dark side would reflect accurately from the comics, and be on-screen gold.

Peter Rids Himself of the Symbiote

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If Spider-Man 3 got one thing right pertaining to Venom and the symbiote, it is that the symbiote is verily hostile to sonic attacks. This is accurate to the comic books.

Additionally, the symbiote can be hurt by fire. This would be a tricky solution, as the symbiote actually attaches itself to its host. Whether by sonic attack or by fire, Peter would have to get the symbiote off of his person somehow before it becomes a somewhat permanent and hostile fixture.

The Symbiote Finds a New, Adversarial Host

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At some point in the new trilogy, Peter will have defeated the symbiote in some kind of battle. This will free him from the symbiote’s power and influence.

Then, the symbiote will have to attach itself to a new host, creating a new Venom. Flash Thompson would make for a solid choice, for a couple of reasons. He has been Venom in Marvel comic books before. Furthermore, Flash adores Spider-Man but hates Peter. Were he to find out that they are one in the same, and then have the symbiote attach itself to him, this would make for a ferocious adversary.

Spider-Man Defeats Venom Or They Team Up Against a Greater Threat

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This part would likely occur in the second or third act of the third film of the next trilogy. Spider-Man and Venom would come to blows, with Spider-Man having to use his wits to counter Venom’s enormous strength. The alternative is Spider-Man and Venom teaming up against a greater threat. What that threat is could be hotly debated before the movie were to come out, but Knull, God of the Symbiotes would be a great choice.

Sony and Marvel Studios could really add to Venom’s lore by incorporating the character into a full trilogy as opposed to one upcoming film. This would make for a richly rewarding story, particularly as Venom is essentially an evil counterpoint to the wholesome Spider-Man.

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