
  • Sony continues to innovate and provide player assistance with its latest patent for a dynamic hint system in PlayStation games.
  • The feature would analyze data from other players who have completed the same part of the game, offering helpful solutions to current players.
  • This new patent, along with others like inventory management, showcases Sony's dedication to creating more accessible and enjoyable gaming experiences.

A new patent from Sony has been revealed, giving players some extra help should they get lost in a PlayStation game. This continues a growing streak of Sony patents that would provide player assistance and smooth out the experience.

Noted as one of the largest electronic manufacturers in the world, Sony has been a big name in the world of technology, from cameras to computers to even a record label. It's even had extremely successful ventures into media production, owning a movie studio, a record label, and of course, the PlayStation console line which has dominated multiple hardware generations in the video game industry. Despite these five consoles being generally associated with hardcore gaming, Sony has shown an effort in recent years to provide more inclusive, casual-friendly experiences, whether it be through modified controllers, new gimmicks to capture the magic of Sony's rivals, or even programs that would be added to future games.

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Sony's latest patent details a program that would provide a dynamic hint system to players of its games. This feature would analyze the player's current in-game objective and provide a solution by looking through the past data of other players who have passed through that same part of the game. It is not clear whether the player would have a say in which other player's data they would be shown, or whether they would be able to either toggle the assistance or decide whether their own gameplay can be used to assist others, but it should definitely prove a huge help in some of the more difficult PlayStation games.


The patent included multiple drawings, detailing the process in which this new assistance program would kick in by tracking the player's exact in-game location, as well as the way data would travel between devices, how said data would be sorted based on the player's current predicament, and how it would further be narrowed down to provide the best strategic advice. All in all, this seems like a nifty feature for players who want a more accessible experience without having to limit their game selection or choose a laughably low difficulty level. Combine this with a similar patent Sony filed for inventory management, and it could make even games as brutal as Elden Ring a cozier time for some.

Seeing video game companies throw a bone to players and make the gaming experience more accessible and more streamlined is always nice to see, whether it be through features that make the gameplay less confusing or even allow players to discover new games based on their preferences. Sony has been on a consistent streak of proposing ideas for these purposes, and there's no telling when it'll stop.

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