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Even though Sons of the Forest is a survivalist game, there is still a complex storyline to uncover some of the island's lore. In addition, key items unlock new areas found all around the forest. The caves, in particular, are hot spots for discovering new weapons or important items. The shovel, for example, is a crucial piece of equipment that players will need to move forward, but it is deep within one of the caves.

The caves are dark, wet, cold, and full of mutant cannibals with a penchant for violence. Traveling within them is a challenging feat, but it is well worth the journey for all the resources, tools, and materials that can be picked up. The shovel is one of the most important tools since it is the only way to access most underground bunkers and find specific weapons. This guide will take players through everything they need to find the shovel in Sons of the Forest.

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Preparing to Get the Shovel

Sons of The Forest
Source: TechRaptor

The shovel is nestled in the back of one of the more extensive caves on the island, and players will need to gather a few things before taking the journey. Generally, it is wise to keep necessities such as food, water, and shelter on themselves. A simple tarp and stick will work for shelter and provides a way to save while inside the caves in case something bad happens or rest whenever energy is low. Players can also use energy drinks or bars to fill up hunger/thirst and energy in one go.

The next most important thing is to ensure they have plenty of weapons and a light source. Caves have almost no visibility, and mutants are running all around them, so going in blind and unarmed is a quick way to end the Days Survived count. There is a small lighter with a low light range and an axe inside the emergency pack that players start with. However, stronger weapons and a flashlight can also be picked up around the island as they explore.

Finally, the most important items to grab are essential to progressing through the specific cave the shovel is located. These include the following:

The rebreather is a piece of equipment used by scuba divers and has an air tank slot on it, so underwater travel is possible for longer. It is found in a separate cave system, so get it first using the above advice before trying to find the shovel. Similarly, the rope gun is found in yet another cave on the midwestern side of the island. The rope gun is used to travel and create ziplines.

Shovel Location in Sons of the Forest

Sons of The Forest Shovel

The shovel is inside a cave on the mountain's west side, not too far from the snowy edge. The cave symbol is just south of one of the purple GPS locator markers on the map. Players will know they are there when they find the three deceased soldiers set on stakes right in front of the cave entry inside a small pool of water.

Once inside the cave, a steep drop leads to a small closed-off area with an air tank for the rebreather. There is also a zipline rope extended above the drop-off. Climb back up the drop-off, look up at the top of a zipline, and press "E" to automatically ride it down and across the cave into a larger room. There is a large pool of water with some supplies on the nearby rocks that can be picked up. Jump into the water and dive to equip the rebreather. Keep swimming downwards at a slight curve, and the tunnel will go underneath the way players initially came, almost backtracking underwater.

Sons of The Forest Rebreather

Swim along the tunnel, eventually leading up to a small opening. There are mutants in this area, so be careful passing through. Keep moving forward, and players will cross a steep, wet incline to slide deeper into the cave. The slope drops them into another flooded area with meds and ammo. Continue down the corridor following the small lights and pass through the mini waterfall. Eventually, there will be a room with two workers and more supplies.

Sons of The Forest Shovel

Go past them to other light where many more mutants will be waiting in a large open room. Taking the chance to fight and clear them out will make picking up all the items and materials more leisurely, but be careful not to get knocked out and lose all progress. The path to the next area is at the back of the room, and players need to follow the tunnel straight to advance. They will pass a portion of the wall that will explode and reveal a large mutant blocking the way and multiple cases of grenades; this is important as it leads to the cave exit.

Sons of The Forest Mutant

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In the meantime, move forward to the next area, past more mutants, including the jumpy babies. There will be a small incline that leads players into another underwater tunnel. Be wary when coming out of the water because mutants will be ready to attack. Go along the tunnel, staying toward the right, and there will be a large room with a worker sitting at the very back next to a cliff's edge. The shovel is sitting in his lap.

Sons of The Forest Shovel

After grabbing the shovel, players must trace their steps to escape the cave while avoiding any mutants they didn't take out. Go all the way back to the giant mutant and the grenades and use an explosive to blow up the grotesque creature. Squeeze through the crack in the wall and keep running through the tunnels to the exit.

Sons of the Forest is available now in early access for PC.

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