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Compared to the first game, the cannibals in Sons of the Forest are smarter and a lot more complex. Fighting them off requires heavy artillery, especially once the camps start working together to ambush players. Luckily, there are quite a few weapons in the survival horror game, including a powerful shotgun. However, when first dropped on the island, the player character (PC) starts with one weapon on him, an axe. All other tools will have to be found by exploring the forest and its offerings.

Quite a few prerequisite items must be found before getting ahold of the shotgun. Still, after everything is gathered, it is relatively easy to find, especially compared to the weapons in the caves. The shotgun is the most efficient way to take on large groups of cannibals, including the more powerful variants. This guide covers everything needed to get a shotgun and where to find it in Sons of the Forest.

RELATED: Sons of the Forest: Items You Need To Get As Soon As Possible

Preparing to Get the Shotgun

Sons of The Forest Shovel

Before even finding the shotgun, players have to get the shovel. The shovel is inside a cave near the snowy mountain on the west side. However, they will have to find the rope gun and the rebreather before they can get the shovel. The rebreather is in a cave off the north shore, while the rope gun is in a cave further south. Both are blocked by variations of mutants that will attack on sight.

Getting a pistol, grenades, or a bow and arrow will make these journeys much easier. Players should also be prepared to take care of their needs while cave exploring. There is meat, energy drinks, ramen packets, and other resources around the island. Printing a flask at one of the 3D Printers is a good idea, so there is a freshwater supply.

The caves almost always have one primary path, and each item is found towards the back of their respective caves, so make sure to have everything needed before going inside them to avoid having to backtrack. Caves are also an excellent opportunity to find lots of ammo, crafting materials, and meds, so search them as thoroughly as possible while avoiding the mutants. Make sure to save after getting them, so no progress is lost.

Shotgun Location in Sons of the Forest

Sons of The Forest Shotgun

With the shovel in hand, players can now look for the shotgun. It is one of the items that happen to be in the same place as a GPS locator, so finding it on the map is easy. Find the northmost purple marker on the map and go towards it. There will be quite a few cannibal camps along the way, so try to avoid them as much as possible.

When close to the GPS locator, a loud beeping noise will get shorter and shorter as players approach. They will know they are in the correct place when they see a gravesite marked with a cross. Next, equip the shovel and start digging until the wood coffin is revealed. Players should keep their guard up while digging for any approaching cannibals because they will not be able to see during the digging animation. Once enough dirt is removed, or snow if it is wintertime, the option to break the coffin appears. The shotgun is in the arms of the coffin's inhabitant.

Sons of The Forest Shotgun

The shotgun is almost guaranteed to one hit knock out most targets outside the larger cannibals and some species of mutants. Ammo can be picked up from abandoned camps, crash sites, and other places where items spawn. All spawn locations reset after a few days or when a new playthrough starts. Players can also give the NPC AI companion, Virginia, the shotgun after taming her and earning her trust. She will fight off attacking cannibals with the weapons given to her, and players don't have to provide her with ammo as she generates her own.

Sons of the Forest is out now in early access for PC.

MORE: Sons of the Forest Players Are Already Beating the Game in Under 8 Minutes