The Drying Rack is one of the essential survival structures in Sons of the Forest. As the name implies, you will use this item to preserve your foods longer and create your non-perishable edibles. In this guide, we walk you through building a Drying Rack and explain how to utilize it like a professional survivor. But first, you need to know more about this practical stick frame.

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A Stone Fireplace is a useful item that keeps players warm and provides light at night in Sons of the Forest. Here’s how to build it.

What Is the Drying Rack?

raw meat in sons of the forest.

The Drying Rack is a meat dryer made out of sticks. In Sons of the Forest, you build this structure using 13 sticks. Each rack can hold up to six pieces of meat, including chopped animal meat, limbs, heads, and fish. The beef on a Drying Rack turns into dry meat, a non-perishable food resource.

Since you must hang meat on its hooks, the Drying Rack is also an alternative food storage. The only caveat is that your companion or mutants could steal your meat. (If you’re using this structure as a storage extender, place it somewhere safe and inaccessible.)

How Can You Craft a Drying Rack?

the recipe for the drying rack in sons of the forest.

From the build mode, go to the Storage section. The Drying Rack recipe should be in the first few pages of your Guidebook. Place its silhouette on an even ground and press E to insert 13 sticks. Once you have completed the requirements, the Drying Rack will be ready to use.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Press B to open your Guidebook.
  2. Press X to see your structure recipes.
  3. Select “Storage.”
  4. Tap “Storage” until you find the Drying Rack recipe.
  5. Place the incomplete skeleton on the ground.
  6. Collect 13 sticks and put them all in the structure.
  7. Your Drying Rack is ready.

What to Put in the Drying Rack?

killing a turtle in sons of the forest

You can put any kind of meat on a Drying Rack, including raw, cooked, and even rotten meat. Once you hang your food, the rack will dry it in up to 24 hours. However, the process’s speed depends on the type of meat you’re using.

You will know your food is dried when its color changes. For meats, it’s a brownish color that contrasts with their original red hue.

Using Drying Racks is straightforward:

  • Have pieces of meat in your inventory.
  • Get close to the rack.
  • Press E to interact with the structure.
  • Select the food you want to dry.
  • Wait until the dehydration process is over.

Some tests indicate that placing a campfire under a Drying Rack can speed up dehydration.

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Sons of the Forest

February 22, 2024
Endnight Games
How Long To Beat
20 Hours