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Sons of the Forest is a sci-fi horror and survival game featuring cannibals and mutants. Players are sent on a rescue mission to find the Puffton family, but it's quickly cut short when their helicopter crashes. Luckily, there is one other survivor of the crash, Kelvin.

Kelvin is an NPC programmed to follow the players and assist them with various tasks. Kelvin can hunt, build, and keep players company in the wilderness, although he doesn't talk. He will also notify players if enemies are nearby; however, Kelvin isn't invincible to the cannibal and mutant attacks and can take damage. Sons of the Forest players worried about whether Kelvin can die can use this guide for answers.

Sons Of The Forest: 4 Things Virginia Can Do

Players should work on befriending Virginia as she provides a lot of useful skills to surviving Sons of the Forest

Can Kelvin Die?

Sons of the Forest 1.0 Kelvin Getting Attacked

Kelvin can die in Sons of the Forest. While he can't die from natural causes, he can be killed by enemies or the player if attacked. Kelvin can take a decent amount of damage before dying but eventually will succumb and fall. If players attack and don't kill him, he will be wary of them and less willing to listen to them.

Kelvin cannot defend himself, unlike Virginia, who can be given weapons, so he primarily relies on running and hiding whenever danger is nearby. On the bright side, players don't have to worry about him when they go into caves either because he waits outside and they can meet up with him when they resurface.

What Happens When Kelvin Dies?

Sons of The Forest 1.0 Revive Kelvin

Whenever Kelvin dies, he is no longer available in that save. Players can't dispose of his body unless they build over it, and if they've befriended Virginia, she will mourn over Kelvin's body. The only way to get Kelvin back after he dies is to start a new save, download a mod, or manipulate your save file.

How to Revive Kelvin in Sons of the Forest

Image from Sons of the Forest showing Kelvin pointing off-camera.

Kelvin only dies if he is hit again after being downed. Players can revive him if they help him right after he falls by approaching him and holding down 'E.' Sometimes, reviving him right away is impossible if cannibals are attacking. Kelvin will either heal himself or stay down until players heal him or he is killed. Once he is back on his feet, he usually runs until things calm down.

Players can bring him back if Kelvin dies by manipulating their game's save files. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to bring Kelvin back to life in Sons of the Forest:

  1. Open File Explorer on your PC and enter %AppData%\..\LocalLow\Endnight\SonsOfTheForest\Saves
  2. Click on the file titled with a string of numbers.
  3. Choose multiplayer or singleplayer depending on which save file you want to edit
  4. Choose the correct save file and open the file named 'GameStateSaveData.json'
  5. Find the phrase "IsRobbyDead\":true and change it to "IsRobbyDead\":false
  6. Save and exit the file
  7. Next, open the file 'SaveData.json' and find the phrase "TypeId\":9
  8. Find the phrase "State\":6 and change it to "State\":2
  9. Then find" "Health\":0.0" and change it to "Health\":100.0
  10. Save and exit the file to solidify the changes.

Kelvin will appear the next time players load into their save, alive and well. The same technique can be used to revive Virginia.

sons of the forest-1
Sons of the Forest

February 22, 2024
Endnight Games