Because the Sonic universe is made up of a wide range of animals and humans, it means that the characters come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Though the Blue Blur himself may not be very tall in stature, Sonic has come across a few allies, and enemies, who are able to easily tower over him given their size, which they will often use to their advantage during an intense battle.

12 Sonic Games With Best Playable Shadow the Hedgehog

Can it truly be the best Sonic game if fans can't play as Shadow the Hedgehog? For those who don't think so, here are his best playable appearances.

In fact, while a lot of these taller characters may not seem to be that large compared to us humans, in the world of Sonic, they could be considered giants when taking into account how small Sonic and most of his pals actually are. This list is going to collect all the information and data to deduce who really is the tallest character in Sonic, and how big they are compared to the plucky blue hedgehog himself.

7 Sonic The Werehog

Height: 4' 1"

Sonic as a Werehog
Sonic Unleashed

PS2 , PS3 , Xbox 360 , Wii
November 18, 2008
Sonic Team
Platformer , Beat 'Em Up

At the beginning of Sonic Unleashed, Eggman manages to blast his arch rival with a giant device which has gone haywire, turning Sonic into a beastly werewolf-like creature known as the Werehog. Thankfully, Sonic only transforms into this form when the sun goes down, but while he does lose a lot of his speed, he also gains enhanced strength and durability, along with his appearance drastically changing in the process. His large claws and wider frame are some of the most notable differences in his design, along with his height, which is almost doubled.

When in his Werehog form, Sonic is almost as tall as some of the humans he meets throughout the story, and is able to easily tower over his new friend, Chip, who looks like an ant in comparison. Since players take control of Werehog during the beat em' up sections of the game, it means they can put his bulkier stature to good use by crushing each and every enemy who dares to step up to this new version of Sonic.

6 E-123 Omega

Height: 4' 11"

Omega arming a cannon
Sonic Heroes

GameCube , PC , PS2 , Xbox (Original)
January 5, 2004
Platformer , Racing , Fighting , Action-Adventure

Considering E-123 Omega was put in charge of watching over Shadow while he was sealed away, it makes sense he would be much taller than the hedgehog, but he's actually quite large given that he's one of Eggman's robots. For some reason, Eggman tends to prefer creating smaller robots to do his bidding, maybe because they'll be harder for Sonic to spot when racing around a stage. As a result, Omega is one of the biggest and most intimidating machines of the bunch, though in Sonic Heroes, he starts to form a rivalry with his master after feeling his powers have been wasted.

Sonic the Hedgehog: 12 Best Quotes From the Games, Ranked

Plenty of characters in the Sonic games have spoken memorable quotes, both heartwarming and funny. But, which stand out among the best?

Rather than using his size and strength to apprehend Sonic on the front lines, Omega never got a chance to prove his worth, since he was instead assigned to a much more boring and dull role, something which angered him to no end. Nowadays, Omega is still on a mission to hunt down Eggman so he can pay for his crimes, and though he might not be as tall as his master, he still has more than enough firepower to hold his own in a battle.

5 Mecha Sonic Mark 2

Height: 5' 8"

Knuckles gliding towards Mecha Sonic
Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Genesis , PC
February 2, 1994
Sonic Team

After the first Mecha Sonic was blown to bits by Sonic in the second game, Eggman immediately got to work on building a superior model that was far more dangerous, and quite a bit bigger. The Mecha Sonic Mark 2 already has an intimidating appearance which looks like a cybernetic version of the main character himself, but Eggman's decision to make him over twice as big as the regular Sonic manages to present him as being even more dangerous.

While this version of Mecha Sonic was the Doctor's most prized possession, like all of Eggman's other toys, it was thrown to the side once Sonic defeated it on Angel Island. Though he had hoped Eggman would come and rescue him after he was dumped onto Scrapnik Island, this never happened, resulting in Mecha Sonic Mark 2 growing an underlying hatred against the doctor and all of his creations.

4 Vector

5' 11"

Vector, Espio and Charme in a room
Sonic Heroes

GameCube , PC , PS2 , Xbox (Original)
January 5, 2004
Platformer , Racing , Fighting , Action-Adventure

It can be easy to forget just how tall Vector actually is, but it's clear to see when he's standing next to his friends, who are all dwarfed by the charismatic crocodile himself. As the leader of the Chaotix Detective Agency, Vector wields a lot of authority and is a well-known individual in the Sonic universe, but although he may seem intimidating on the surface, he's secretly got a heart of gold.

Sonic: 7 Best Rivalries, Ranked

The Sonic franchise has seen both serious and comical rivalries over the years, with these being among the very best.

Still, Vector isn't afraid to put his large stature to good use when the situation calls for it, as is shown in Sonic Heroes and Sonic Free Riders, where he's able to throw his opponents around a stage without breaking a sweat. Unlike a lot of Sonic characters, Vector has also remained more or less the same in his appearance since his early artwork, and that includes his size, where he stands head and shoulders above almost all of his friends.

3 Bark

Height: 5' 11"

Bark the Polar Bear
Sonic the Fighters

Arcade , PS3 , Xbox 360

Bark made his debut in Sonic the Fighters, which released for the arcades in 1996, and while he has made a few brief appearances since, he's often considered to be one of the lesser-known members of the cast. The most noticeable aspect of Bark's appearance, aside from his beige colored fur and tiny red beanie that sits upon his head, is how tall he is, being the exact same size as Vector.

Considering he was first introduced in a fighting game, it makes perfect sense why Bark would be designed to be this tall, especially since he performs body throws and suplexes in most of his matches. As a result, he's able to use his size advantage to tip the scales of a fight, but sinc he's the tallest member of the cast, he could just as easily strike fear into his opponent without even needing to throw a punch given his stature.

2 Dr. Eggman

Height: 6' 1"

Super Sonic with Eggman
Sonic Unleashed

PS2 , PS3 , Xbox 360 , Wii
November 18, 2008
Sonic Team
Platformer , Beat 'Em Up

Despite how tall Eggman actually is, easily standing over nearly every character in the series, players only ever get a few glimpses of him standing up, since he tends to prefer roaming around in his Egg Shuttle. His goofy mustache and egg-shaped body might not make him the most intimidating villain ever created, but his height is still one of his most striking features, and it primarily comes because of his mile-long legs.

Given his size, Eggman could probably dish out quite a lot of damage if he decided to go one-on-one with Sonic, but since he'd never be able to catch up to him, it's probably best he relies on his lackies to do his dirty work instead. Eggman can mostly be seen sitting comfortably in his Egg Shuttle or relaxing in a chair to observe the situation from afar, but don't be fooled, as he's a lot taller than most people realize.

1 Big The Cat

Height: 6' 6"

Big the Cat with Amy and Cream
Sonic Heroes

GameCube , PC , PS2 , Xbox (Original)
January 5, 2004
Platformer , Racing , Fighting , Action-Adventure

By far the biggest and largest member of Sonic's group of friends, Big the Cat is taller than most humans who appear throughout the games, which gives a good idea of just how massive he is. Even though Big never plays a huge part in the main stories of the games, he's become such a fan-favorite character that he's made numerous appearances over the years. Whether he's trying to find his beloved Froggy in Sonic Heroes, or he's having a relaxing fishing trip with Sonic in Sonic Frontiers, Big is always there to lighten the mood in any way he can.

Big can come off as quite frightening to those who don't know him first-hand, but even though he's one of the biggest characters in the franchise, he's also one of the kindest. Big doesn't enjoy using violence, and even though he could demolish hundreds of Eggman robots if he wanted to, he only does so if forced to, as he much prefers to lay back and catch some fish with his friends.

10 Sonic Characters Who Deserve A Spinoff Game

While the biggest names in Sonic the Hedgehog's massive supporting cast have gotten their own game, these overlooked characters deserve one as well.