The Sonic the Hedgehog film franchise has made a lot of interesting creative choices with its cast of beloved characters. Sonic's moral arc in the first film is alien to his source material, but it perfectly fits his character. Knuckles enjoys an entirely new identity, seemingly inspired by characters like Drax and Starfire, and this take on the character has immediately become a fan favorite.

Don't worry, there will definitely be a third Sonic movie. The second entry ended on a massively impactful post-credits scene and that simply must be paid off. The end of the trilogy is set to hit the big screen on December 20th, 2024. With a year and a half left to wait, there's plenty of time to look to the fun little side-project that will come along between films.

RELATED: Sonic 2: What The New Knuckles Says About The Fanbase

What is the Knuckles Series About?

Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Little is known about the plot of the upcoming Knuckles series, but the studio has put out a sort-of elevator pitch for the series. Knuckles is still on Earth after the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. He's a friend of Sonic's and his newfound appreciation for the blue blur extends to his human friends as well. Knuckles' solo journey will involve the proud warrior finally taking on a protégé. Adam Pally's character Wade Whipple, the inept deputy to Sonic's adopted dad Tom, will study under Knuckles to learn the ways of the Echidna. The series will likely enjoy a comedic tone similar to that of the films. Knuckles rarely gets the spotlight in this franchise, so fans will undoubtedly be ecstatic to see the character get his day in the sun. However, some fans were expecting something different.

Much of Knuckles' character growth in the film involved his unique upbringing in a culture of conquerors. The film constantly teases brief glimpses of Sonic and Knuckles' homeworld without ever spending much time there. Since the series is specifically described as live-action and is focused primarily on Knuckles' relationship with an Earthling, it probably won't spend much time in Mobius. Though some fans were hoping for a deep dive into Knuckles's backstory or a look at the Echidna warriors in action, they'll probably have to make do with flashbacks. It's clear that his old life will factor into the narratives, but fans who were bizarrely expecting Game of Thrones with a cast of crimson monotremes will have to look to fan fiction for now.

Who will be Directing the Knuckles Series?

Knuckles In Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Jeff Fowler, the director behind both Sonic the Hedgehog movies is attached to the project as the director of the Knuckles series' pilot episode. Fowler has a long history with the franchise and very little work elsewhere. The 2020 original is Fowler's feature directorial debut after many years of work in animation. Most notably, he was the credited writer, director, storyboard artist, layout artist, and animator for the 2004 short film Gopher Broke. The unhappy few who saw Doogal in theaters will have enjoyed Fowler's work before the film began. Interestingly, Fowler worked on CGI animation for the classic 2005 game Shadow the Hedgehog. His connection to the Knuckles series should keep fans excited, but he's only attached to the pilot. There's no word yet on who will be handling the remaining episodes, but that pilot will also enjoy the writing talent of Sonic 2 co-writer John Whittington.

Is Idris Elba Returning to the Role of Knuckles?

Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Rejoice fans, Idris Elba will be reprising his role as Knuckles in the upcoming series. From the moment Elba announced that he'd be taking the role, fans everywhere exploded with excitement. It was the biggest selling point for the film, the massive appeal of Knuckles as a character was helped along by Elba's unquestionable movie star status. Elba was a wild choice for the role, not because his voice isn't note-perfect, but because it was shocking that he'd say yes to the project. Fans recall the exclusive Sonic Drone Home short film that, while enjoyable, did not manage to get Elba or Tails' voice actress Colleen O'Shaughnessey back into the booth. The return of Idris Elba ensures a massive audience for the project as fans fall over themselves looking for more Knuckles content.

Knuckles has been an enduringly beloved figure of the Sonic canon since his introduction in 1994. His inclusion in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was one of the biggest hype moments of last year. Though he's been popular from the beginning, his newest iteration is one of the most memorable video game movie characters of all time. Focusing on Sonic's rival-turned-friend for a solo project is unquestionably the best way forward for the franchise. Some fans may be a bit disappointed to see the story stay mostly on Earth, but any project focused on Idris Elba's Knuckles will be a hit. Knuckles doesn't have a release date yet, but it'll be one of the most talked-about events of the year when it drops.

MORE: And Knuckles: How Did Sonic's Strongest Ally Change For The Big Screen?