Fans of the Sonic franchise could spot Amy Rose a mile away - especially when she's chasing Sonic. With a bubbly personality, Amy's an optimist who's usually seen cheering on her friends or fighting alongside them with her Piko Piko Hammer. Recent games in the Sonic franchise have slowly taken her role down from protagonist to supporting character. Fanbase reaction to this was mixed with a handful missing Amy's glory days with Team Rose or fighting solo.

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Amy is a caring friend who's very in tune with people's emotions and is quite brave despite playing the role of the damsel in distress now and then. Today, Amy still maintains her spirited personality, but fan-favorite moments usually involve older games such as Sonic Adventure and Sonic Heroes. With Sonic Frontiers, many fans are hoping she'll get her chance in the spotlight once more.

6 Sonic X: Jumping Into Planet Aqurius

sonic x amy rose

While Sonic X has its own canon universe like Sonic Boom, Amy still had some memorable moments that showcased her bravery and intuitive side. Unfortunately, the scene where she inadvertently reminds Shadow of his promise to Maria is stolen by Chris Thorndyke. However, the Metarex Saga (season 3) gives her a few episodes to really shine. Some incidents involve rescuing Sonic from a Metarex Base, and embarking on a quest to save Sonic with Cream and Cosmo.

One of her bravest (and reckless) moments comes in the episode "The Light In The Darkness." The previous episode had Sonic trapped in the Planet Aqurius, where the Metarex were keeping the stolen Planet Eggs. As a planet built of water, Sonic had little to no chance of escaping. However, "The Light In The Darkness" had Amy leaping out of her ship and into the planet to rescue him on her own. Things didn't play out like a traditional rescue, but Sonic and Amy ended up healed by the planet and managed to escape by the end of the episode.

5 Sonic The Hedgehog (2006): Rescuing Elise

sonic 06 amy rose elise

Amy is surprisingly absent as a playable character in Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, but she plays a minor role in Silver's story. At some point, Amy goes looking for Sonic in Eggman's base. While aboard, she runs into Elise, who's just escaped captivity. As the alarms go off, Amy helps her escape, and the next scene has them in Soleanna, far away from Eggman.

Once Elise is rescued, there's a mandatory Town Mission that involves Amy. The mission is to "Escort Elise to safety" from Eggman's robots, and it's one of the few levels where Amy is playable. It should be noted that she's used to complete the mission on her own, showing that Amy won't hesitate to fight solo when push comes to shove.

4 Sonic Adventure 2: Working With Team Sonic

sonic adventure 2 shadow amy

While she isn't playable in Sonic Adventure 2's story mode, she's still an important character in the Hero Story. Chronologically, she's first seen mistaking Shadow for Sonic on Prison Island. She's soon rescued by Tails from Dr. Eggman, and declares that she's on Prison Island to rescue Sonic. When she finds Sonic, Amy tries to get Sonic to promise to marry her before releasing him from his cell.

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Though an important scene involves her and Shadow in the Final Story. While she doesn't do anything heroic, she tells Shadow that while humans fight, there are good people that "deserve a chance to be happy". It's these words that remind Shadow that Maria's true promise wasn't a quest for vengeance, but to protect the people on Earth.

3 Sonic The Hedgehog (2006): Saving Sonic From Silver

sonic 06 amy rose silver the hedgehog

Another example of Amy's heroics in Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 involve saving Sonic from Silver. During Silver's story, Amy mistakes him for Sonic, making Silver lose track of the blue blur. Feeling guilty, Amy volunteers to help Silver look for Sonic, even though she has no idea that they're looking for the same person.

However, when Silver finds Sonic, he tries to kill him, believing Sonic to be the "Iblis Trigger." Before Silver can finish him off, Amy shields Sonic, giving Sonic the chance to escape. When she realizes Silver was looking for Sonic just to kill him, she calls him out. Thanks to Amy, Silver begins doubting his mission, wondering if killing one person to save everyone else is the right thing to do. While Amy doesn't run into Silver for the remainder of his story, she meets him again in the spatial rift in the last story. Like everyone else, Amy traverses the rift to find the Chaos Emeralds to revive Sonic.

2 Sonic Heroes: Leading Team Rose

sonic heroes team rose

Team Rose is made up of Amy, Cream, and Big. However, games like Sonic Free Riders have temporarily swapped out Big for Vector, while the Sonic Universe comics had her with Cream and Blaze (Treasure Team Tango issues). No matter who makes the team, Amy is always the leader of Team Rose. In fact, games with team Rose are one of the few times when Amy's leadership skills are put on display.

She may not be as fast and powerful as Sonic, but Amy's ability to look on the bright side makes her a good leader. During Sonic Heroes, she's constantly cheering up Cream and Big in their quest to find Sonic, Chocola the Chao, and Froggy. Team Rose's story follows the same levels as the other teams in Sonic Heroes, but as the one guiding her team, Amy's entire role in Sonic Heroes could count as a brave and heroic act.

1 Sonic Adventure: Helping Birdie

sonic adventure amy rose

Amy is one of the playable characters in Sonic Adventure/Adventure DX. Her story involves helping a Flicky named Birdie from Dr. Eggman and his robot, ZERO. At first, Amy tries to enlist Sonic as her bodyguard, but they quickly get separated when ZERO captures her and Birdie in Twinkle Park. Aboard the Egg Fleet, Amy befriends E-102 Gamma and even shields him from Sonic or Tails (depending on the story).

However, Amy's best moment comes at the end of her story. After being reunited with his siblings, Birdie is severely injured by ZERO. Amy, believing ZERO's killed Birdie, turns on ZERO and destroys him. Luckily, Birdie's revealed to have survived, but Amy's showdown with ZERO is arguably one of her best moments in the Sonic franchise.

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