Nintendo kicked off the first day of October with a substantial update on a number of games coming out this year, as well as a handful of titles scheduled to arrive in 2014, in yet another Nintendo Direct. This morning's presentation featured a plethora of information, but one major announcement that's sure to grab the attention of Super Smash Bros. fans is the confirmation that the third-party veteran fighter, Sonic the Hedgehog, will be returning in the forthcoming iterations.

The Blue Blur appears to have retained the move set that was established for the character back in Super Smash Bros. Brawl — with his introduction to the new games being a well executed 'Down-A' missile kick to the faces of Mega Man and Mario. Other trademark manuevers can also be spotted in the trailer and sequential screenshots that were later posted on the games' official website, so it's a safe bet that the character will feel familiar to those that frequented him.

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Also accompanying the confirmation of Sonic as a playable fighter is the reveal of a new stage based on Sonic Lost World — a game that's coming exclusively to the Wii U and 3DS this October 24th in North America. The new battleground appears to feature ample room in comparison to the Green Hills stage that debuted in Brawl, and it'll no doubt be home to a number of chaotic battles on the Wii U.

Sonic's return seemed inevitable given the exclusivity deal that Nintendo and SEGA announced earlier this year. Solid Snake, on the other hand, is now the only third-party character that's currently M.I.A. from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. Whether or not the stealth operative can sneak his way back into the Nintendo-themed fray remains to be seen, but he did make Game ZXC's list of 5 characters unlikely to return.

Are you happy that Sonic the Hedgehog is returning in Super Smash Bros., Ranters? Which characters are you still holding out hope for a return?


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