Miles “Tails” Prower is more than Sonic The Hedgehog’s closest friend. He also is one of the most beloved characters in the Sonic franchise for his resourcefulness, kindness, and loyalty. With his two tails and ability to fly, the introverted fox introduces Sonic fans to another side of the blue hedgehog’s adventures every time he appears.

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Tails first joined the series in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and while he has been an optional playable character in many levels since his debut, the first game where he received his own stages was Sonic Adventure. Since then, Tails levels have been few and far between, often experimenting with different playstyles. Still, over the years, these are some of the areas Tails fans have enjoyed most.

6 Sky Chase - Sonic Adventure

Sonic and Tails at the start of Tornado Defense

As an inventor, one of Tails’ most recognizable creations is the Tornado, the airplane he and Sonic often use to find Chaos Emeralds and stop Eggman’s vile plans. In Sonic Adventure’s Sky Chase Acts 1 and 2, Tails flies the Tornado to help Sonic track down and land on the Egg Carrier while shooting down Eggman’s missiles. At times, the number of enemies in the minigame stage can be overwhelming. However, the segment is a part of both Sonic and Tails’ stories, making it clear how vital Tails’ ingenuity and determination are to the team.

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For Sky Chase’s success, a similar level was added to Sonic Unleashed. However, in Unleashed’s Tornado Defense Acts, the plane flies on a set path while players perform quick time events to shoot down Eggman’s attacks, giving the gameplay a more challenging yet less engaging twist.

5 Frog Forest & Lost Jungle - Sonic Heroes

Tails, Sonic, and Knuckles next to a frog in Frog Forest

While every level in Sonic Heroes is designed to take advantage of each character’s strengths at one point or another, few make better use of Tails’ flying ability than Frog Forest and Lost Jungle.

In the levels, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles pass through the forest to stop the Egg Fleet’s attacks while interacting with giant black or green frogs that summon rain to wither or grow the jungle’s foliage, respectively. With dozens of platforms for players to move between as the forest changes, flying is a vital part of Frog Forest and Lost Jungle, making Tails a natural leader for the team.

4 Ice Cap - Sonic Adventure

Tails at the start of Ice Cap

In Tails’ version of Ice Cap in Sonic Adventure, the fox races against Sonic while snowboarding down a mountainside during an avalanche. While the level begins with the camera in front of Tails rather than behind him, it changes shortly after escaping the oncoming snow, allowing him to focus on avoiding the giant icicles spread throughout the stage to beat Sonic to the goal.

In addition to its snowboard style, Ice Cap includes multiple shortcuts and ramps to perform tricks on, making it both an enjoyable Tails level that does not rely on flying and one of the few snowboarding segments in the Sonic Adventure series.

3 Mission Street - Sonic Adventure 2

Tails reaching a checkpoint in Mission Street

In Sonic Adventure 2’s Hero Story, Tails pilots a mech called Cyclone, mirroring Eggman’s gameplay rather than jumping, flying, or racing the way he does in other games. As one of Tail’s first stages in the game, Mission Street follows his efforts to escape from G.U.N. forces along a crumbling highway.

Filled with missiles, falling weights, and earthquakes, Mission Street uses changes in elevation to create a lively night scene that serves as an open and representative introduction to Tails’ playstyle and role in the story. Nonetheless, the action-packed stage also includes many passing details, such as wanted posters for Tails, that make it an engaging experience time and time again.

2 Speed Highway - Sonic Adventure

Tails at the end of Speed Highway

Speed Highway is Tails’ final story mission in Sonic Adventure. Like many of his other levels, the highway stage features a race. However, rather than racing against Sonic to prove his self-worth and ability to support others, Tails uses his newfound confidence to stop Eggman from destroying Station Square with a missile when others aren’t around to help.

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Of all the levels in Tails’ story, Speed Highway not only has the highest stakes but also marks a vital shift in the fox’s character, making him much more independent and capable than he was at the start of the game.

1 Windy Valley - Sonic Adventure

Tails flying through Windy Valley

In contrast to Speed Highway, Windy Valley is Tails’ first level in Sonic Adventure. Dedicated to helping Sonic find the Chaos Emeralds and stopping Eggman, Tails uses his friend’s words of encouragement to pull ahead and make the most of his flying ability.

With few obstacles, Windy Valley marks a kind, patient, and fulfilling beginning to Tails’ journey, but that is not all the level has to offer. For instance, the platforms in the level align in a way that makes Windy Valley a welcoming stage to speedrun for new fans and experienced players alike. Tails’ Windy Valley may not be as complex as some of his other stages, but because of that, it perfectly tailors itself to his skills and aesthetics as a flying character by allowing him to walk on the wind with ease.

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