Sonic Prime resolves to stick to the games' canon. The Netflix show makes that clear with its faithful art style and long history inherent in its characters. However, that's also where the changes lie.

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The characters in Sonic Prime are a bit different than fans remember. Their personality traits and other aspects are slightly adjusted to suit the series' narrative. Sonic and friends are still recognizable as the same lovable heroes, but they've also grown in a few key areas.

7 Voices

Roger Craig Smith and Devon Mack, the Sega and Prime voice for Sonic, respectively

To be fair, Sonic and friends have had several voices. The folks at Sega sometimes swap out the cast to signal a different approach or a desire to evolve the characters. Still, one would expect this show's creators to use the current cast, but they instead recruit an entirely new set of actors.

That even goes for Dr. Eggman, which is shocking. After all, Mike Pollock has voiced the mad scientist since Sonic X. Here, though, Brian Drummond takes over. Audiences may know him for his anime work, such as Vegeta in the Ocean dub of Dragon Ball Z. He channels the same homicidal intensity as Eggman. Most of the actors here are as good (if not better) than their game counterparts. It's just odd to hear a new voice for an old icon.

6 Knuckles's Mission

Sonic and Knuckles in Sonic Prime

Since his inception, Knuckles has made it his goal to guard the Master Emerald. Granted, he sucks at that job. The glowing rock is repeatedly stolen or shattered. Regardless, the echidna remains stalwart in his mission, always returning to his duty after an adventure. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

Related: Sonic The Hedgehog: Dumbest Things Knuckles Has Done

In Prime, Knuckles hangs out with the rest of Sonic's gang. His primary goal is stopping Eggman. He doesn't mention the Master Emerald, and he's not in any hurry to get back to his island. Maybe he gave up. The oversized gem will get stolen anyway, so why bother?

5 Rouge's Motives

Rouge in Sonic Prime

This sultry bat has always looked out for Number One. She regularly steals Chaos Emeralds and other valuables to further her fortune. While she occasionally uses her stealth skills for government missions, she ultimately works for her own benefit. That sometimes means teaming up with Sonic and friends.

Her alliance here is more altruistic. Rouge actively seeks them out and fights alongside them. No one mentions any rewards, and she doesn't seem to be working any angle. Rather, she looks at the big picture. Her role almost seems written for Blaze the Cat, but the creators probably went with Rouge for popularity's sake.

4 Amy's Love

Amy in Sonic X and Sonic Prime

One of Amy's defining characteristics is her infatuation with Sonic. Impressed by his heroics, she makes it her mission to marry him. He rarely reciprocates those romantic feelings, but that doesn't stop her from trying. However, recent entries have dialed back her obsession.

Prime continues that trend. Amy admires Sonic, and the script acknowledges her past pursuits. That said, it doesn't consume all her time. Like Rouge, she's more focused on aiding him against Eggman and helping him grow. Maybe he finally put out that restraining order.

3 Eggman's Past

Eggman in Sonic Generations and Sonic Prime

The dystopia of New Yoke City comes courtesy of the Chaos Council. Its members are Eggman during different ages and demographics. Audiences assume these characters represent the villain at various stages of his life. As amusing as these guys are, they contradict the source material.

Related: Dumbest Things Sonic The Hedgehog Has Done

Eggman has always been the same maniacal menace. The only real difference (aside from a name change) is that he used to be rounder and goofier. Sonic Generations gave fans a refresher on this younger Eggman, and he didn't look or act anything like the Chaos Council. Then again, these new villains hail from an alternate universe. What's more is that it's one without Sonic, so perhaps Eggman has had more time to focus on himself.

2 Sonic's Friendship

Sonic, Tails, Rouge, Knuckles, and Amy in Sonic Prime

A key theme of this show is friendship through thick and thin. Sonic's buddies are usually in his orbit, but they're even more so here. He prizes them above all else. What's more is that he's very open about this. He frequently touts their friendship, and he becomes sad if they're upset or in distress. This behavior is more intimate than fans are used to.

The game version of Sonic definitely values his friends, but it's more of an unspoken comradery. When they're hanging out, he doesn't call attention to their bonds or shower them with affection. He probably thinks he's too cool for that. At the same time, saving them is as much about their protection as it is about having fun. These aspects mean the hero is somewhat distant at points, so the writers probably wanted to avoid that.

1 Tails's Attitude

Sonic and Tails in Sonic Prime

While Sonic is friendlier, the opposite is true of Tails. This fox is usually a wholesome sidekick--cheering Sonic on and going to the ends of the Earth to help him. Such childlike naïveté offsets his technical genius.

That genius leads to a sharper personality in Prime. Not only are the alternate versions on the nastier side, but the mainline Tails is far from the Sonic sycophant than fans know. His intelligence lets him think critically about a given situation, getting visibly upset when his friend ignores his input. This injects some edge into his personality and creates a fitting foil for Sonic's brash immaturity.

Sonic Prime is now available to watch on Netflix

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