Sonic Prime has made waves for Sonic fans around the world upon its release. It tells a new story with an entirely new voice-acting cast and a format that fans have never seen before. Multi-dimensional shows can be fun, and adding Sonic to the mix makes it an action-packed adventure as he races around the world to try and find his friends.

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There are many quotes from Sonic and the other cast members of the show that stick out to both fans and casual watchers. They may be quotes that get stuck in everyone's heads or notable statements that turn the course of the show itself. Whatever the case may be, each of the quotes below is significant to the show and the general world of Sonic itself.

7 "I'm good and powerful, apparently. Jealous?"


This was the quote that started all the hype, and any Sonic fan no doubt has it in the corner of their brain somewhere. This iconic line from Sonic is the first thing fans hear when viewing the teaser trailer for the first time. It's also the first line that Sonic fans got a taste of from Devon Mack, the voice talent behind Sonic Prime's Sonic.

For context, Sonic is talking to Shadow about the accident he helped cause. In the quote, he's bragging, not yet quite aware that he was being used to find the Paradox Prism in a plot by Eggman.

6 "We're gonna fix the world!"

sonic prime

The quote was one of the highest points of the last trailer that aired before Prime was released. Being iconic as a notable quote from Sonic alone, the line is cool and sticks in the heads of watchers. However, the reason this line is so iconic is not because of its place in the trailer but rather what it implies.

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For those who don't know what the show is about yet, this quote helps signal what the overall plot of the show will be. It's a critical line in giving the audience a sample of what to expect from the entire show.

5 "One day, I'll destroy that hedgehog, and the world will be a brighter place for it, lit by neon."

eggman sonic prime

This quote from Eggman is enlightening and iconic for a number of reasons. As a line in the show, it makes Eggman's goals clear as day: he wants to take over the world and build it in his image. It also shows longtime Sonic fans, for the first time, a stated example of what Eggman wants.

Often in the Sonic series, Eggman's exact goals remain somewhat vague. Yes, he wants to take over the world, but what will he do once he accomplishes that goal? The Sonic series has various answers to this: build Eggmanland, a theme park in his own name, build gigantic cities with his face on them, and more. For the first time in a piece of Sonic media, we not only get foreshadowing but actual visual information on what a perfect world looks like in Eggman's eyes.

4 "'Cause when you've got a crew like mine, there's nothing that can stop you!"

the entire gang sonic prime

This iconic line in Sonic Prime is great because it shows Sonic's belief in his friends. Even when he's not with them during portions of the show, his belief in who they are and how they help his fight against Eggman is sure. This shows even more strongly in his efforts to put the world back together and get the true versions of his friends back.

Even when working with versions of his friends that don't know him, Sonic's still happy as ever to see them and work to help solve their problems.

3 "Home is where your friends are, as they say, and that's Green Hill, where the best beaches, palm trees, and chili dogs are just the tip of the iceberg."

sonic prime green hill

This line from Sonic is important in Prime because it establishes where home is: Green Hill. While Sonic's home is never really established, one of the most iconic places Sonic's visited by far is Green Hill Zone. According to the games, Green Hill actually isn't Sonic's home. However, it makes for an iconic-looking setting where the gang relaxes during the show, and makes for a good cornerstone for later when the dimensions become scrambled.

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This line is also important, especially for new fans of the show, because it sets the location immediately. If a new fan watches Sonic Prime, they'll at least know what Green Hill Zone is if they've played a game or vice versa. Iconic identification is key, which is why this line does so many good things for audience members at the start of the show.

2 "The name is Nine!"

sonic prime sonic and nine

This line is pretty iconic because it helps introduce the unusual nature of the show going forward. Sonic will travel dimensions frequently throughout the show, first arriving in New Yolk City and meeting an alternate dimension version of Tails, named Nine. Named because of his nine tails, both mechanical and biological, Nine is a version of Tails who grew up without Sonic's protection.

The line Nine says is iconic because not only does it establish his new name in the universe, but it quickly tells the audience that this version of Tails is not friendly. This is a stark contrast from what we see in the original tails, who would never be aggressive to Sonic in his original timeline.

1 "Eggman didn't create this world; I did."

sonic prime shard

This line from Sonic is a great example of when we see him slow down and start to get serious. Throughout Sonic Prime, Sonic's character is pretty upbeat, never staying in one place or dwelling on one thought for too long. However, in this line, Sonic has found a piece of the Paradox Prism and has made a stark realization. His dimension is in pieces, and he was the cause of all of it.

The line is memorable because, for the first time in the entire show, we get an explanation as Sonic remembers what happened when he shattered the Prism. We also see Sonic own his mistake, to a certain extent, realizing that if he had only slowed down a little and listened to his friends, he wouldn't be in this situation.

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