
  • The older Sonic characters may not be as fast, but their experience and wisdom make them formidable in battles and strategic planning.
  • Characters like Zor, Zeena, and Zavok have aged well over 100 years, showcasing their longevity and dedication to their evil ways.
  • From 1,000-year-old Master Zik to the ancient Chaos, older Sonic characters bring a level of danger and power that younger characters may lack.

The early Sonic games may have only included a handful of characters, but with each new game introducing more new characters into the mix, it means by this point, the cast has become pretty enormous. Most of these individuals, including Sonic himself, are young and still learning the ways of the world. However, there have also been quite a few heroes and villains who have popped up throughout the games who are a little on the older side.

10 Darkest Sonic The Hedgehog Games, Ranked

"Darkest" may not come to mind when thinking of Sonic games. However, many titles have complex stories, intense soundtracks, and deeper meanings.

They may not be as fast on their feet as the likes of Sonic and Shadow, but these mature characters will instead often use their experience and wisdom to their advantage, whether it's to help out Sonic and his friends, or to stop them in their tracks. When tallying up the official ages of every Sonic character, the ones below clock in as the oldest of the bunch.

8 Zor

Age: 112 Years Old

For talking to Sonic
  • First Appearance:Sonic Lost World

Despite being over 100 years old, Zor is actually the youngest member of the Deadly Six, but this doesn't mean he's any less capable of dealing with enemies when compared to his comrades. Sonic first runs into Zor during the story of Sonic Lost World, where the edgy Zeti can be seen using technokinsesis to control mechanical devices and Eggbots at will, making him a pretty annoying enemy to take on.

What also makes Zor so dangerous is his underlying love for chaos and destruction. Since he's not exactly the cheeriest guy out there, and often views the world through a pessimistic lens, it means Zor cares little for who gets caught in his crossfire, making him a bit of a loose cannon. Still, there is at least the possibility that he will start to develop more mature feelings as he grows older, since the Zeti are said to live for hundreds, even thousands of years.

7 Zeena

Age: 120 Years Old

Zeena looking at her nails while saying that she's "Just getting ready"
  • First Appearance:Sonic Lost World

Just a few years older than Zor, Zeena is another technokinetic who loves nothing more than admiring herself in the mirror and embarrassing her enemies with her own stylish dress sense. She's a fun and bubbly antagonist who has become well-known among the Sonic fanbase, not only for her tricky boss battle at the Frozen Factory, but also due to her design, which has made her the inspiration of many cosplays.

Sonic The Hedgehog: 14 Fastest Characters, Ranked

The Sonic franchise is full of speedy characters. Each is unique, but one is ultimately faster than the rest.

Though she also likes to act immature and bratty at times, this is another example of how bizarre the Zeti's aging is, since by this point, any regular human would be extremely old. In the case of Zeena though, it seems as though she's only just starting to go through her teenage years, but who knows if she'll ever manage to get out of this self-obsessed phase, or if she'll simply continue admiring herself until the end of time.

6 Zazz

Age: 127 Years Old

Zazz pointing his finger at the screen
  • First Appearance:Sonic Lost World

Zazz may be 127 years old, but age hasn't slowed down this fun and spunky guy one bit, as he might just be the most energetic member of his entire group, and a real thorn in Sonic's side. Throughout the events of Sonic Lost World, Zazz initially teams up with Eggman due to the influence of the Cacophonic Conch, but after Sonic freed him and his friends from the strange artifact, they then band together to take down Eggman for good.

Once this fight was over though, rather than putting his ego aside and joining forces with Sonic, Zazz would continue to antagonize him, leading to yet another beatdown at the hands of the Blue Blur. Zazz's age indicates he would at least know by now that making as many enemies as possible just for the fun of it maybe isn't the best way to go through life, but he does still seem to have fun doing it, so there is that.

5 Zomom

Age: 133 Years Old

Sonic looking at Zomom as he eats a sandwich
  • First Appearance:Sonic Lost World

Zomom may have an insatiable appetite for food, but he's also a formidable foe in combat, where he will willingly use his large and heavy stature to crush his opponents if they ever dare to interrupt his precious snack time. Throughout his long life, Zomom has managed to find several ways to use his gluttony to his advantage in combat, learning numerous powerful techniques which only become stronger the more he eats, and the bigger his body becomes.

Sonic gets the opportunity to find this out first-hand when he runs into Zomom at the Desert Ruins. Zomom will not only be able to launch himself at Sonic to try and take him out, but he's able to use a tornado spinning attack which moves at a surprisingly fast speed, so it's best not to take Zomom lightly, even if he may be quite a bit older than most characters in the series.

4 Zavok

Age: 148 Years Old

  • First Appearance:Sonic Lost World

Sonic has encountered his fair share of fearsome villains throughout his many adventures. From the evil Doctor Eggman to the malicious Metal Sonic, each of these antagonists have pushed the hedgehog to his absolute limit on more than a few occasions, and another villain who can be added to that list is Zavok. Rather than spending the last 100+ years kicking back and relaxing, Zavok has dedicated his life to becoming a master strategist, alongside honing his physical skills to ensure no one can best him on the battlefield.

Sonic The Hedgehog: 7 Tallest Characters In The Series, Ranked

Sonic may have speed on his side, but these individuals are able to easily tower over him with their large statures.

As a result, he comes across as a genuinely intimidating villain who will gladly annihilate anyone who stands in the way of him and his evil plans. Zavok is by far the strongest member of the Zeti race, which makes him an extremely tough opponent for Sonic to take down, but it just goes to show that all those years dedicated to becoming stronger really did pay off in the end.

3 Master Zik

Age: 1,036 Years Old

Master Zin asking Sonic to follow him with a staff in his hand
  • First Appearance:Sonic Lost World

Master Zik may look a little feeble on the surface, but underestimating him certainly isn't a wise move, as this Zeti is more than capable of tearing his enemies apart, not only through the use of technokinesis, but also with his martial arts skills. That's right, Zik is actually an expert in hand-to-hand combat, which isn't too surprising considering he's had over 1,000 years to practice. What is truly shocking is that he's still able to throw down, even at such an old age.

In fact, while Zavok is often considered to be the strongest of the group, it was actually Master Zik who took him under his wing and taught him the basics of fighting, before his young disciple would then go on to master his abilities later down the road. He's a formidable teacher who all the Deadly Six look up to with great admiration, but his age shouldn't imply he can't still hold his own when he needs to, because he most definitely can.

2 Black Doom

Age: 2,000+ Years Old

  • First Appearance:Shadow The Hedgehog

At the beginning of the Shadow the Hedgehog game, Shadow is seen desperately trying to find answers about his past after he loses all of his memories, but there is at least one shady figure who offers to help him out, that being Black Doom. Though he seems like a useful ally at first, it's soon revealed Black Doom is the leader of the Black Arms, an army of brutish aliens who Doom had planned to use to invade Earth in an attempt to turn the human population into his livestock.

This isn't something Doom suddenly conjured up overnight though, as he states to Shadow that this plan has been in the works for thousands of years. Once he does finally land on Earth, it's up to the player to choose whether he succeeds in his mission, or is stopped from embarking on his endless reign of terror.

1 Chaos

Age: 3,000+ Years Old

Sonic Generations Perfect Chaos
  • First Appearance:Sonic Adventure

Chaos, also referred to as the "God of Destruction" by Eggman himself, is a mythical god-like figure who was once worshiped by the Knuckles clan before almost all of them were wiped out. Considering Chaos was the first ever guardian of the Chaos Emeralds, it makes sense why it would be over 3,000 years old, but during that time, it has only emerged on a handful of occasions, primarily during periods of conflict.

What makes Chaos especially dangerous is the fact it can mutate into multiple different forms, ranging from small parasites, to a giant colossal behemoth known as Perfect Chaos. There are not many characters in the Sonic universe quite as scary as Chaos, and though its alliances are always changing, one thing is for certain: getting on the bad side of this ancient deity is a very bad idea.

Sonic The Hedgehog: 9 Best Character Themes, Ranked

Vocal songs are a big part of the Sonic franchise. The following themes showcase what these characters are all about.