Since her debut in Sonic Rush back in 2005, Blaze the Cat has swiftly become an iconic character within the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Fans were drawn to her pyrokinetic abilities and how different she was compared to other female characters such as Amy Rose and Rouge the Bat. Currently, she's the only female Sonic character who has a Super Form in the game canon.

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Unlike most of Sonic's friends, Blaze comes from a parallel dimension. Sonic and Tails had the opportunity to venture into her world in Sonic Rush Adventure, but there are still many aspects of Blaze's world that have yet to be touched on in the games. Some fans believe everything to know about Blaze and her world could be answered in her own game while others wouldn't mind seeing a Sonic Rush 3.

5 The Sol Emeralds

sonic rush adventure sol emeralds

Blaze's adventure in Sonic Rush involved gathering all seven Sol Emeralds. As most have already figured out, these emeralds are parallel to the Chaos Emeralds. Unlike Sonic, Blaze serves as the Sol Emeralds' guardian, similar to how Knuckles the Echidna is charged with guarding the Master Emerald. Blaze was tasked with guarding them and as a result, she was alone for most of her life. Despite her connection to the Sol Emeralds, it wasn't until the final level of Sonic Rush that she was able to fully use their power and become Burning Blaze.

It's unknown if the Sol Emeralds can be used to generate their own version of Chaos Control. Blaze isn't seeing using any type of "sol energy" in combat, and unlike Shadow, she can't warp or fight using a special type of energy generated from the emeralds. Since the Sol Emeralds are the Chaos Emeralds of Blaze's world, it's safe to assume that they have very similar functions.

4 Blaze's Pyrokinesis & Royal Lineage

sonic rush adventure blaze the cat

When Blaze fights Sonic in Sonic Rush, she declares her flames a curse, and that they were the reason why she's always been alone. Various character bios about Blaze reference her isolated childhood, thus explaining her shyness. 2006's Sonic the Hedgehog's blurb takes this a step further by saying Blaze was bullied for her fire powers, but this little tidbit wasn't included in the Sonic Rush series, the character's main canon.

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On that matter, Blaze is also a princess. In Sonic Rush Adventure, it's revealed she has a personal guard named Gardon. However, aside from the koalas around Rush Adventure's Southern Island, not much else is shown about Blaze's royal guard or her world's culture. If fans want to complicate this even further, Blaze's Sonic 06 incarnation was debated whether she was the "canon"/Rush Blaze, or an entirely different Blaze who came from the future instead of a parallel dimension. However, Sonic 06's entire story was retconned, making Blaze's story from the Sonic Rush series the canon version.

3 Dr. Eggman-Nega

sonic rush adventure eggman nega

Dr. Eggman-Nega served as Sonic's main antagonist in Sonic Rush, where it was revealed he came from the same world as Blaze. Unlike Dr. Eggman, Nega is more sinister and was more than willing to destroy Blaze's world in Sonic Rush Adventure just because. Blaze and Eggman-Nega's history is unknown beyond the latter serving as her nemesis in the same way Eggman is to Sonic.

While Dr. Eggman's history was expanded with Sonic Adventure 2, Eggman-Nega has yet to receive this same treatment. Given he's a parallel version of Dr. Eggman, it would be nice if Sonic delved into this character a bit more. Like Blaze herself, fans were left confused by Eggman-Nega's origins thanks to Sonic Rivals/Sonic Rivals 2, in which the character served as Silver the Hedgehog's primary antagonist. What Silver says bout Nega contradicts what Blaze says, in that the villain came from the future.

Despite this, character bios explicitly state that Eggman-Nega is from a parallel dimension and not the future. It's possible Nega was used as an antagonist in the Sonic Rivals series just to give Silver and Blaze something in common.

2 The Jeweled Scepter

sonic rush adventure jeweled scepter

The Jeweled Scepter serves as the primary target in Sonic Rush Adventure. A treasure passed down in Blaze's royal family, the Jeweled Scepter is a powerful weapon if used in the wrong hands. It has the ability to access the "Power of the Stars," which can easily wipe out Blaze's dimension.

In Sonic Rush Adventure's final episode, Eggman and Eggman-Nega appear in the Egg Wizard and go to harness the Jeweled Scepter. It's revealed that the Jeweled Scepter's power surpasses that of the Sol Emeralds. It was only through Super Sonic and Burning Blaze's combined forces that they emerged victorious against the Egg-Wizard.

It's possible the Jeweled Scepter is Blaze's version of the Master Emerald. The two have similarities, even if the Master Emerald is primarily known for being used to seal away Chaos. With an item as strong as the Jeweled Scepter, it'd be the perfect plot device for another Sonic Rush game. The last Sonic and Tails hear of the Jeweled Scepter is that it was returned to its altar in Coral Cave under heavier guard.

1 Marine the Raccoon's Powers

sonic rush adventure marine the raccoon

Before the Egg-Wizard can harm Super Sonic and Burning Blaze, a blast of blue energy strikes its side, giving Sonic and Blaze an opening. It's revealed that like Blaze, Marine the Raccoon also has powers of her own. Some speculate this was supposed to be hydrokinesis, but it can be hard to tell with the DS graphics.

Unfortunately, Marine has not appeared in a mainline Sonic game since Sonic Rush Adventure, meaning her powers remain a mystery. Given her bubbly, hyper personality and possible water powers, she serves as a nice contrast to Blaze's levelheadedness and pyrokinesis.

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