As anticipation builds towards Sonic Frontiers' official launch, Sonic's latest adversary Sage has finally been revealed thanks to a story trailer shown at this year's Gamescom. While other details were also confirmed such as a November 8 release date or the game's setting, Sonic Frontiers focused on showcasing the confrontation between Sonic, Sage, and what fans assume are her forces, accompanied by cryptic lines about the world's destruction and Sonic's interference. But fans have been quick to point out the similarities between Sage and Infinite, one of Sonic's more recent antagonists first seen in Sonic Forces.

Though it remains to be seen whether Sage and Infinite share goals of world domination or destruction, it's undeniable that they at least share a striking resemblance. Between their red aesthetic and ominous ability to float above Sonic, fans are concerned that the two characters may turn out to be too much alike. Especially given the mixed response to Infinite when he debuted in Sonic Forces, Sonic Frontiers is under pressure to learn from Infinite and improve Sage's characterization, motivations, and her overall storyline.

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Infinite: All-Powerful But One-Dimensional

Sonic Forces Infinite

Revealing details about Infinite can be found in not just Sonic Forces: Episode Shadow but also via the Sonic Forces digital comic. In the comics, particularly the last issue titled Sonic Forces: Rise of Infinite, both Infinite's motivations and impetus for allying with Eggman are revealed. When coming into contact with the Phantom Ruby in Eggman's possession, Infinite is shown a vision of his secret desire: a destroyed world. In light of this vision, Infinite admits he has grown bored with the world and joins Eggman to pursue more power and strength.

While playing as Shadow in Episode Shadow, Infinite's "origin" is revealed via a cutscene retelling his first confrontation with Shadow. This encounter is supposedly the catalyst that led to Infinite becoming the character players see in Sonic Forces, as Shadow resoundingly defeats Infinite, leaving him distraught at his own weakness. With Eggman's help, Infinite was fused with the Phantom Ruby, granting him its power to manipulate virtual realities within the real world, while also becoming faster, stronger, and more durable.

Infinite's presumed omnipotence would have been perfectly fine for a Sonic game as he would join a growing list of other exceedingly strong Sonic villains, but players and critics found Infinite to be too one-dimensional. For instance, Infinite was shown to have a sadistic and power-hungry personality before his fight with Shadow, making it seem that Infinite had always wanted to be all-powerful. Sonic Forces never explains why, so with a weak revenge story premise and reliance on the trope of an all-powerful villain destined to lose, Infinite's character ultimately devolves to a generic villain who is bad "just because."

Sage: All-Powerful But Mysterious

Sonic Frontiers Sage

Due to her recent reveal, everything Sonic fans know about Sage is limited. However, what is currently known is that she is somehow linked to the Starfall Islands where Sonic Frontiers takes place and appears to be at odds with Sonic as he attempts to rescue his friends. While she appears to be antagonistic and in control of the robotic enemies Sonic battles, Sage seems to want Sonic to leave or surrender willingly. Already she is a stark contrast to the likes of Infinite, but until players know her true motivations, they can't be sure what kind of antagonist she will be.

Though their "powers" may look alike, Sage's and Infinite's similarity could just be a coincidence. For example, the reused red could be to juxtapose Sonic's blue, while Sage's digital aesthetic could steer away from Phantom Rubies. Moreover, lines from the trailer referencing endangering the world may sound like something Infinite might say, but as dialogue coming from Sage it seems to imply a hidden, more benevolent motive that isn't immediately obvious to the player.

Therefore, Sonic Team already seems to be on the right track with Sage by teasing out a possible storyline of a villain doing bad things for a good reason. Compared to Infinite who was villainous just because he could be, Sonic Frontiers will need to ensure it doubles down on Sage's characterization and lore, even if she does turn out to be completely evil. After all, sympathetic video game villains can make the story feel more realistic and engaging than bad guys than players fight simply because the game told them to do it.

Sonic Frontiers is set to release on November 8, 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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