The Sonic franchise has been in need of a proper shake-up for quite a while, but for one reason or another each planned attempt hasn't been able to stick the landing. That's why the upcoming Sonic Frontiers seems like it might finally be what the series has needed to regain mainstream popularity. While there hasn't been a lot shown in terms of actual gameplay, Frontiers is described by Sega as the first-ever "open-zone" Sonic game.

While obviously a fun play on words, an "open-zone" title seems like it's the perfect design for a great Sonic game. There's plenty to be seen about Sonic Frontiers, but that one piece of design knowledge has given fans plenty to think about and speculate over. It's still too early to say, but an open-world Sonic game might be exactly what the series needs to get on top of the world again, and this could happen if properly implemented and designed around.

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The Potential of an Open-World Sonic Game


Ever since making the jump to 3D, Sonic games have struggled. It seems as if Sonic Team has been experimenting with answering the question, "How does a game make fast-moving platforming fun without being too difficult?" since the early days of 3D gaming to mixed success. Many fans cite Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 as the gold standards of 3D Sonic titles, however with each passing year they begin showing their ages more and more. When looking at the strengths of the Sonic Adventure series, one thing seems to be clear: Sonic is best when the player can clearly see where they're going and explore large environments.

That strength seems like it might be at the core of the design philosophy for Sonic Frontiers. The most recent trailer, shown off at The Game Awards 2021, showcased some of the environments that players will be exploring, and they seem to all be playing into the strengths of the Sonic Adventure series while adding an open-world element that hasn't been seen. Open-world level design paired with abilities that aid Sonic's movement are key ingredients for what might end up being a solid 3D Sonic entry. There are a lot of other factors that go into making quality games so Frontiers isn't out of the woods quite yet, but it's a step in the right direction.

Recent years have seen plenty of successful games that are based around fun movement mechanics. Titles like Marvel's Spider-Man, Mirror's Edge, The Pathless, and even Halo Infinite have made it clear that, while simply walking around an open world can be serviceable, incorporating movement mechanics into the game itself does a lot for the overall feel and hook of the title. Hopefully Sonic Frontiers makes the most out of the titular character's unique speed and incorporates movement mechanics as a major part of the game's loop.

When a Sonic game is able to allow players to get into a flow state with Sonic's movement using strong level design, Sonic is at its best. An open-world title can provide an infinite amount of opportunities for players to enter that flow state. As noted, there's a lot more that goes into a game than simply having an open world with a good way to traverse it, but if done right that could be a major part of what makes Sonic Frontiers great.

Sonic Frontiers is currently in development.

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