After years of using Boost gameplay in linear levels, Sonic the Hedgehog fans were ready for something new. Sonic Forces took the same road as Sonic Generations by including Classic Sonic as a playable character alongside regular Modern Sonic and a player avatar that felt underutilized. The mistakes made when recreating the gameplay of a Genesis Sonic title combined with Forces' short length left many unimpressed, and the wait for Sonic Team’s next title began anew. The Sonic movies and Sonic Mania have improved Sonic’s reputation since then, and fans have a lot to look forward to in 2022 with Sonic Origins and Sonic Prime on the way. Still, a lot is riding on the next big 3D Sonic title.

Partnering with IGN, Sega has finally begun to reveal gameplay for its upcoming release Sonic Frontiers. This is the first mainline Sonic title since Forces came in 2017, and fans are excited to see the Blue Blur on a new generation of consoles. Sonic Frontiers intends to make full use of those consoles as well, as it is expanding Sonic's Boost gameplay into the realm of “open-zone” environments. While early leaks have left it unclear if classic levels are still in the game, it’s been demonstrated that Frontiers is spreading its floating rails and platforms around a huge island with minimal boundaries. That sounds a lot like an open world, but it's too soon to say for sure if that's exactly what Sonic Frontiers is.

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How Sonic Frontiers is Supposedly Structured


What fans know of Sonic Frontiers’ story thus far is that Doctor Eggman has hijacked some mysterious ancient technology and is using it for his usual nefarious purposes. Sonic, meanwhile, has been transported to a strange island full of ruins and the aforementioned mystery machines. That is roughly the extent of the revealed plot, but there doesn't need to be much more than that. Sonic and the player are quickly let loose into a sprawling outdoor environment filled with boost pads, springs, floating rails, and even the occasional environmental puzzle. The influence of Breath of the Wild is apparent in the environment and scattered puzzles, though the similarities may end there.

However, without knowledge of Sonic's goals within this huge environment, it's hard to gauge how much progress he is making. Sonic is seen picking up various collectibles from the environment and the Korok puzzle equivalents, but it isn't clear what they do yet. The size of the island is also suspect; some areas are densely packed with short platforming sections, puzzles, and enemies, while others are simply stretches for Sonic to dash or grind across. Considering how much ground Sonic can cover in a few seconds, especially when boosting or using a dash panel, it starts to feel like maybe this island isn't as large as it looks.

Uncovering the Type of Open World Sonic Frontiers Is

Sonic Frontiers First Gameplay Look

Over the past few years, more popular game franchises have been breaking into the open-world genre. In doing so, they have also shown the flexibility possible within said genre, even if one can argue that a non-traditional open world isn't an open world at all. The main point of contention is whether a game like Super Mario Odyssey or Pokemon Legends: Arceus qualifies as an open-world when their giant maps are divided into separate areas. Sonic Frontiers initially gives the impression of one giant world, but having been officially described as an “open-zone” game implies that there will be more than one zone.

The main deciding factor here is whether Sonic Frontiers takes place on one island or several, with loading screens in-between. Unfortunately, barely anything is known about the game yet. For the time being, fans will have to wait and see what Sonic Team intends to do with Frontiers and its "open zone" world. The moments in the gameplay trailer where Sonic looks out over the island from atop a tower suggest that the world is huge and full of secrets, but Sonic would still be able to cross it fairly quickly. Besides, given how basic Frontiers looks right now, it could probably use some different zones to make sure Sonic’s latest adventure stays fresh.

Sonic Frontiers will be released in 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Sonic's Historical Pitfalls with 3D (and How Frontiers Can Avoid Them)