The first entry in the Sonic the Hedgehog mainline series since 2017 is officially on its way. The new title, Sonic Frontiers, will release in 2022, and promises a whole new direction for the blue blur. However, fans and critics have been quick to draw comparisons between the first trailer for Sonic Frontiers and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

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Breath of the Wild released in 2017, and expanded the horizons of the Zelda series by including an open world. Sonic Frontiers seems to take a similar approach in terms of tone and gameplay. However, there are definitely some important lessons that Sonic Frontiers should take if they further plan to emulate the style of Breath of the Wild.

10 You Control The Story

A cutscene from BOTW showing the Four Guardians waging war against Calamity Ganon

In the past, The Legend of Zelda featured fairly linear narratives that players navigated through solving puzzles and facing dungeons. Breath of the Wild completely turned that on its head, though, allowing players to freely roam the land of Hyrule at their own pace. Even the main story was straight-forward and simplistic, allowing players to face it whenever they wanted.

Hopefully, Sonic Frontiers takes a similar approach with its narrative. From the looks of the trailer, it seems that an emphasis is being placed on getting to explore a large, open area at supersonic speeds. It's not confirmed at the moment how complex of a story this game has yet, but like Breath of the Wild, it shouldn't intervene with players' ability to have fun.

9 Changing Up The Way You Explore

Link flying across Hyrule with the Paraglider in BOTW

The trailer for Sonic Frontiers features some pretty interesting ways of navigating the world and its structures. Grind rails and bounce pads return from older Sonic games, but most of the trailer emphasizes Sonic's speed. This certainly gives him an edge over Link, but Breath of the Wild has a different advantage when it comes to exploring the world.

Very early on in Breath of the Wild, players unlock a myriad of gameplay mechanics that offer new ways to explore and travel. Link can jump from high points with the Paraglider, and can manipulate objects using his Sheikah Slate. While grinding on rails and racing at top speeds will be fun, there should be some new, exciting ways for Sonic to interact with this open world.

8 Traveling With The Press Of A Button

The completed map of BOTW showing all the shrine and Sheikah Tower locations to fast-travel between

Obviously, Sonic's speed is a huge benefit to placing him in a vast, open world game. However, whether he's superfast or not, traversing large distances in a game world like this will always be tedious to impatient players. It would be wise for Sonic Frontiers to include some sort of fast-travel mechanic so that players can automatically teleport to where they need to go.

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Breath of the Wild includes a fast-travel mechanic, but there's a good catch to it. Players must first discover new locations to be able to access them as fast-travel waypoints. This makes finding Sheikah Towers an important side quest during Link's travels. It also becomes a benefit of completing Shrines or discovering stables scattered throughout the land.

7 A Map With More Than Meets The Eye

A hidden village by a beach in Hyrule in BOTW

Open world games thrive on the thrill of exploration, and Breath of the Wild is no different. Part of the game's fun is traversing every inch of Hyrule and discovering things you didn't encounter the first time. This makes every player's adventure unique, whether it's by discovering some armor in a Treasure Chest hidden in a cave or narrowly defeating a powerful monster.

Other open world games, like Skyrim or Fallout, take advantage of the players' need to find secrets. Sonic Frontiers should be no different if Sega plans on it being an open world game that stands the test of time. Perhaps taking things slow for a change will allow players to appreciate the world for what it is, and discover all the secrets it has to offer.

6 The Weather Conditions Matter

Sonic battling a robot in the rain in the Sonic Frontiers trailer

Parts of the Sonic Frontiers trailer show a change in scenery from most Sonic games. In one clip, Sonic battles robot enemies in the rain, which confirms that changing weather will be a function in this game. Perhaps Sega will make it work similarly to Breath of the Wild, which challenges players with some unique weather-related mechanics.

When it rains in Hyrule, Link has difficulty climbing mountains without slipping. Additionally, thunderstorms will target metal, making it possible for Link to be struck by lightning when wearing certain armors or wielding certain weapons. Hopefully, the weather conditions in Sonic Frontiers aren't just aesthetic changes and affect how players must navigate the world.

5 A Variety Of NPCs To Encounter

Link presenting his Sheikah Slate to Pikango, an NPC in BOTW

Breath of the Wild features a very expansive Hyrule, populated with towns, wandering travelers, and enemy encampments. While traveling, it's likely players will run into one of these NPCs. By talking to them, players can learn more about this version of Hyrule, as well as accept side-quests or just feel a closer connection to the characters.

Related: Breath Of The Wild: NPCs With The Saddest Lives

Perhaps it's a fault of the Sonic Frontiers trailer being an early build of the game, but some fans have noticed that it seems fairly empty. There are robot enemies that appear, but no NPC characters like in previous Sonic games. Hopefully by the time the game releases, it feels like a more lived-in world than just a large stretch of greenery for Sonic to run through.

4 Side Quests

Link leaving a stable after completing the side quest "The Horseback Hoodlums"

Interacting with NPCs in Breath of the Wild may allow Link to take on side quests. These missions often send him exploring Hyrule delivering an item, locating another NPC, or taking a photo of a location. It allows players the opportunity to explore reaches of Hyrule they wouldn't normally go, which would be a big benefit for Sonic Frontiers.

Placing Sonic in an open world raises the question of if moving fast will allow players to enjoy every crevice of the map. With side-quests, players could be exposed to places they might've only passed by while running fast. It could also be a great way to include Sonic characters like Knuckles, Tails, Silver, and Amy.

3 Customize Your Player Character

Link selecting the classic Link outfit from the armor inventory in BOTW

The Legend of Zelda has always featured a change in wardrobe for Link, though usually these alternate outfits only served as power-ups or utilized to breathe underwater. Breath of the Wild, however, introduced new armors into the game for players to collect along the way. With these armors, players could not only gain certain benefits, but also customize their appearance.

Customization is not new to the Sonic franchise, either. While power-ups have always been a staple of 3D games like Sonic Adventure, the series saw its first use of customizable characters with Sonic Forces. That game allowed players to create their own Avatar, so perhaps they could bring aspects of it back to dress Sonic up however a player would like.

2 Combat Is Not Too Complex

Sonic performing a wind attack against a robot in Sonic Frontiers

The Legend of Zelda has never been near Monster Hunter or Bayonetta levels of combat difficulty. However, Breath of the Wild featured the franchise's most simple combat yet. Link could attack with only a few set moves, with a few advanced maneuvers including Z-targeting and slow-motion dodging. Sonic Frontiers could go even simpler.

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The combat is Sonic games has always been a mixed bag. Oftentimes, Sonic's arsenal of moves includes ramming into enemies at high speeds and the classic honing attack. Those abilities seem to return in Sonic Frontiers, though it's unconfirmed if there's any new mechanics that veteran Sonic players should be on the lookout to learn.

1 Sonic Frontiers Is Still A Sonic Game

Sonic standing at a cliffside looking at the open world in the Sonic Frontiers trailer

Despite all of its changes, innovations, and non-linear structure, Breath of the Wild is still, at its heart, a Zelda game. It's perhaps even closest in comparison to the original title, The Legend of Zelda for NES, with its freedom in exploring the world. It's important for Sonic Frontiers, with all of its new gameplay mechanics and spectacle, to still feel like a Sonic game.

Of course, the Sonic franchise has been victim to betraying their series staples in the past. Games like Sonic Adventure and Sonic Generations appealed to longtime fans, while Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic Unleashed, less so. Hopefully these changes to the Sonic formula only enhance the experience, not make it something unrecognizable.

Sonic Frontiers will be released in 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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