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Sonic Frontiers tasks Sonic with rescuing his friends from Cyberspace, which means taking on the powerful Titans that can be found scattered across the Starfall Islands. Each poses a challenge to Sonic and proves impossible to beat in his normal form.

Unfortunately, the Chaos Emeralds are a tad shy in Sonic Frontiers, scattering themselves across each island and forcing Sonic to gather them again before he can properly face the Titans. Since each Titan is guarding one Emerald personally, this means Sonic has to face off with an invincible foe to find his way to the Chaos Emeralds and turn the tide.

RELATED: Sonic Frontiers: How to Light Speed (Ring) Dash and Drop Dash

How To Reach Wyvern's head

Sonic Frontiers_Wyvern_ Tower Diving Board

The serpentine dragon Titan known as "Wyvern" wheels through the skies of Ares Island as if taunting the player, and once they've acquired six Chaos Emeralds, they'll need to enter a new zone and find a way to reach Wyvern's head. The final emerald is held in a vault atop Wyvern's head, so reaching Wyvern in the first place is the top priority for players hoping to down this Titan.

A tower in the distance, straight ahead from where Sonic enters the arena and prominently featured in Wyvern's intro cutscene, is the key to reaching Wyvern's head. Sprint right for it and use Sonic's wall running and rail grinding abilities to scale the tower. At the top, players will find a very tempting diving board-esque spot and need only wait for Wyvern to pass by. A jump and a homing attack will allow Sonic to latch onto it, but it's not too eager to have our hedgehog hero hitching a ride.

Sonic Frontiers_Wyvern_Cyberspace Path 2

After Wyvern shakes Sonic off, players will need to use homing attacks to bounce off several spinning laser emitters and reach the path Wyvern is creating. Once Sonic lands on the path, he'll need to run and boost to catch up with Wyvern's head. Use quickstep to dodge any glowing orbs on the path and use the homing attack to bounce through laser emitters when there are gaps in the path. Eventually, Sonic will end up above Wyvern and drop onto its back again. Grab the emerald, and it's time to turn the tables.

How To Beat Wyvern

Sonic Frontiers_Wyvern_Super Sonic

In this phase, Sonic will be chasing down Wyvern and beating it down, but players will need to watch out for their ever-depleting ring supply throughout. Unlike Giganto, this boss does offer a few chances for Sonic to replenish his rings during the chase sequences, but the margin for error is still pretty small.

Wyvern's main trick to disrupt Sonic's advance during the chase is a barrage of homing missiles, which players can dodge with some careful movement as they close in on them. Grab rings wherever possible to keep Sonic topped up and boost towards Wyvern. Once Sonic closes in, Wyvern will go for a claw slash which can be countered with a Parry. Landing the parry opens Wyvern up to a counterattack, so players should unleash the best combo attacks they can pull off to pile up damage on the boss and break it down.

Spin Slash into a Stomping attack makes for an excellent combo, and can be chained into Wild Rush and/or Homing Shot for massive damage. Quick Cyloop can also be effective during the first phase to extend the attack window before Wyvern tries to counterattack.

Eventually, Wyvern will spin around and try another claw attack, but a well-timed parry can leave it reeling and open it up to even more damage and a brutal QTE counterstrike.

Sonic Frontiers_Wyvern_Phase 2

Eventually, Wyvern will enter the second phase, firing off waves of laser rings to signal its new power. Wyvern's rocket barrages become denser and faster during the chase sequences, and Wyvern will need to be parried twice in quick succession before it's opened up for attack. When Wyvern's had enough of taking a beating, it'll unleash a barrage of missiles, which Sonic can bundle up and throw right back if players nail the QTE (which uses the same ring timing mechanic as the Fishing Minigame).

After Wyvern is almost out of health, players need only succeed in one final QTE sequence to feed it its own missiles and end the battle.

Sonic Frontiers is available for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.