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Of the Titans fought in Sonic Frontiers, Supreme serves as the last fought and the most powerful of the four, using a variety of powerful attacks to keep Sonic at a distance throughout the fight.

With four Titans to take down, Sonic Frontiers has no shortage of fantastic boss fights, with Supreme serving as an excellent test of players skills with the combat system. Sonic can benefit greatly from good use of the dodge and parry when approaching Supreme, and it's essential to make good use of combos to deal enough damage to it before the ring supply runs dry.

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How To Beat Supreme

Sonic Frontiers_Supreme_Laser Barrage

Unlike the other Titans, Supreme doesn't guard a Chaos Emerald and Sonic begins the fight in his Super form. Supreme uses his orbiting turrets to fire out waves of energy blasts, so players will need to weave through it, boost, or parry if a blast seems unavoidable, if they want to get close enough to deal any damage. Supreme will also perform swiping attacks with its claws that create additional energy blasts. Land a combo attack on one of the turrets (Stomp attacks are the best for reliably pulling this off) and Supreme will push Sonic back and fire off a laser barrage, which can be parried to vaporize its turrets and open it up to attacks.

After attacking it for a little while it'll try a spinning attack with a very short wind-up time, so players should parry immediately when they see it start to deflect it and pull off a QTE attack for massive damage. After Supreme reaches half health, a cutscene will play, and it will take to the skies for phase 2.

Sonic Frontiers_Supreme_Phase 2

In Phase 2 Supreme is nearly always moving, and its blasts become more frequent, forcing players to dodge and parry more skillfully in order to push through to it. One of its attack patterns leaves half the turrets sitting there without firing, and this is the perfect moment to attack one. The same strategy as before applies, with players needing to land a quick combo on a turret and parry the laser barrage, though Supreme now fires the barrage in stages, necessitating multiple consecutive parries to destroy its turrets and open it up to attack.

When Supreme is low on health it can punch Sonic away after the player lands a combo on a turret, attempting to snipe Sonic with a laser rifle as he closes the distance. Succeed at the QuickTime event here to get back to Supreme and press the attack.

Once Supreme is at critical health, a cutscene will play and the fight will end. On normal mode there's only a little further to go, but on hard mode this is where the true final boss begins.

Sonic Frontiers is available for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.