Sonic Frontiers is being praised by fans as one of the most story-rich Sonic games to date. Thanks to character development and a more serious tone provided by writer Ian Flynn, the newest Sonic title has people searching for every bit of lore they can find. Even one of the simplest mini-games in the title provides a clear way for fans to learn more about the Sonic universe: Fishing.

Throughout Sonic's adventure on the Starfall Islands, he can visit Fishing Spots where Big the Cat offers items in exchange for successfully catching fish. One of these items are Egg Memos, a series of digital journal entry by Dr. Eggman that helps give some vital context clues on his perspective throughout the adventure - as well as some tidbits about his experiences in the series.

How Eggman Remembers Maria's Legacy

eggman in cyberspace

Many fans have been waiting for any mention of Maria or the Space Colony Ark from Sonic Adventure 2. In a few Egg Memos, Eggman discusses his experience with the Space Colony Ark, G.U.N., and his cousin Maria. In Cyberspace, renditions of unmanned G.U.N. technology assault Eggman, who is protected by Sage. G.U.N. has hardly appeared since Shadow the Hedgehog in 2005, and while the film Sonic The Hedgehog 2 clearly mentions this organization, seeing long-lost entities make the script in Sonic Frontiers is great for diehard fans.

Eggman mentions Maria in one of the early Egg Memos, recalling that he didn't know Maria well before she died. Despite her short life, she made an impact on his family, overshadowing his genius. Eggman makes it clear through this memo that he's jealous of Maria, and wonders if his own creation, Sage, is anything like she was. Fans believe these references to the past may be the first signs of a developing connection between all the games and comics.

Eggman's Respect for Sonic

sonic and giganto

In another Egg Memo, Eggman discovers that Sonic is on the Starfall Islands trying to foil his schemes. There are many Memos that talk about Sonic and his friends, both in relation to the game's events and in general. When he realizes Sonic is on the island, Eggman notes that Sonic never lets him plot for long, always being a step behind his dastardly plans.

Another Memo compliments Sonic, saying that it's impressive how he can reach Mach 1 speed - something commendable for a purely organic being. While Eggman respects Sonic's speed, he clarifies this respect to Sage later in the game, saying "he doesn't have to like [Sonic]" despite it.

The Origin of Sage and Eggman's Relationship

sage sonic frontiers

Another useful feature of the Egg Memos in Sonic Frontiers is that they explain the origin of Sage. In some of the earliest Egg Memos, Eggman explains the original purpose of Sage as an AI meant to take complete control over Cyberspace and the Starfall Islands. He also explains that this plan only worked halfway, giving her access to the powers of Cyberspace and the Titans without full control.

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More talk of Sage within the Egg Memos reveals her capabilities and achievements. Not only can Sage activate the Titans, but she can use them formidably against Sonic. Eggman recounts her reports, stating that she has both protected him and kept him updated concerning the real world while he is trapped in Cyberspace. Ultimately, players can start to see fatherly affection bubbling under the surface.

Amy's Character Development

amy on kronos island

Another notable Egg Memo comments on Amy Rose after she finds her way to the Starfall Islands. Longtime Sonic fans know that Amy has undergone many design changes, as well as personality and voice changes, over the decades. In this particular Egg Memo, Eggman comments that Amy "has come a long way from being a pawn in my schemes to catch Sonic," referencing her original appearance in Sonic CD.

He also comments that Amy "had trouble finding herself," which could be an entirely in-universe observation, but also points to all the design and writing changes Amy has undergone throughout her time. Other Memos mention more of Sonic's friends, who will get even more time to shine as playable characters in Sonic Frontiers' upcoming DLC.

The Fate of the Ancients

sonic and tails witness the ancients defeat

One of the last pieces of lore that fans can find through the Egg Memos is the origin and downfall of the Ancients and their Titans, as well as the origins of Sonic Frontiers' Koco. Eggman summarizes his encounter with the relics these Ancients left behind, leading him to discover their technology and alien designs. He realizes they are the original species of Chaos, a god-like destructive entity who made its first appearance in Sonic Adventure. These cousins of Chaos faced a calamity that nearly caused them to go extinct, and as Eggman explains, they did not last longer than another generation.

Sonic Frontiers is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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