One thing that is an important staple to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is the series' Special Stages. These extra levels serve as a way for players to obtain the mythical Chaos Emeralds, and in many games, these Emeralds are required for fans to obtain the true ending. While Sonic Frontiersfeatures the Chaos Emeralds, it doesn't exactly have Special Stages. Instead, linear levels can be unlocked through progression called "Cyber Space" stages that build up to gathering the Emeralds.

These Cyber Space stages were one Sonic Frontiers' features that didn't get properly explained until a trailer in the June Nintendo Direct showed them off. Hands-on impressions from demos at Sega's gaming convention appearances praised these levels the most. However, loyal fans have noticed that the layouts of these stages are from older Sonic levels. Before re-using old-level designs could hurt the game's budding reputation, Sonic Team has explained the reason for the recycling, and it may actually enhance the experience of Sonic Frontiers instead.

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Sonic Frontiers' Cyber Space Stages Are Based on Sonic's Memories


According to Sonic Team, the reason that Cyber Space relies on old level aesthetics, assets, and even layouts is because the stages are generated based on Sonic's memories. Memories themselves have been scientifically proven to be rather unreliable narrators at times. This doesn't even touch the implied plot of how Sonic's memories may have been altered at the start of Frontiers, which might also be why Cyber Space has mismatched level designs to call back from. Sonic Team's leader, Takashi Iizuka, has said that the levels are made to make the player feel like Sonic does as he runs through the levels, that they've been there before.

The fact that Cyber Space, a strange new dimension that Sonic gets trapped in at the start of Sonic Frontiers, is able to adapt to his memories is just one more mystery making up the game's story. As it stands right now, there are numerous plot threads concerning the lost Chaos Emeralds, the new character Sage, and what lurks on the Starfall Islands' forgotten landscape. When it comes to what's happening with Sonic's memories, there hasn't been much to go off of, but this may be one of the secrets of the game that will only be uncovered once the game releases.

Sonic Frontiers Makes Old Stages New Again

Sonic smiling in Sonic Frontiers

While the re-use of old stages has a purpose that ties Sonic Frontiers' story with its gameplay, the fact that these memorable level layouts have returned is beneficial for players in more ways than one. Frontiers features an entirely new play style where fans can customize how Sonic feels and controls for themselves. This means that even though some Sonic fans have played the stages in the games that they originated from, they'll be able to experience them in an entirely new way with the controls that suit them best. There's potential for fans who didn't enjoy the levels when they first appeared to end up loving them with a better way to play them.

However, even though fans have noticed how stages like the Green Hill Zone and Sky Sanctuary-based ones use familiar level designs and assets, there's a chance that the familiar layouts might only be used for tutorials only. One of the first Cyber Space stages that was shown was a sprawling highway level that has been showcased in recent gameplay to have plenty of alternate routes to explore, something that's been missing from more recent releases. Regardless of if the recycled levels are only used for tutorials or not, using familiar stages to get players used to a new play style is rather clever in regard to helping fans get used to the controls quicker.

The Cyber Space stages found in Sonic Frontiers most definitely add to the intrigue the game has garnered from potential players in the last year. Sonic Team has been rather public with its ambitions with its latest game, and the mysterious tone Sonic Frontiers gives off has been said to be on purpose. It makes players wonder how the ancient and forgotten Starfall Islands have a special digital dimension among their technology.

It's quite clear that the marketing direction Sonic Team is using for Sonic Frontiers is aiming to make potential players ask questions. However, Sega has stated that a public demo for Frontiers isn't in its plans for promoting the next game staring its mascot, which means if players want to find the answers right away, they'll need to buy the game as soon as they're able. In a way, it seems like Sonic Frontiers' plot and gameplay integration is making up for its confusing marketing back in June.

Sonic Frontiers will launch on November 8 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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