One of the aspects about Sonic Frontiers that interested fans the most was the Cyber Space stages. Touted as one of the best parts of the game by early hands-on previews, the Cyber Space levels weren't shown in detail until roughly five months before launch. Once they were, however, fans were quick to recognize that the level designs were rather familiar, and were able to notice that they were old re-used level layouts from previous Sonic games. Some fans were quick to call Sonic Team lazy for this move, but it serves an important purpose in the title's story.

In Sonic Frontiers, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Dr. Eggman are all trapped in Cyber Space. The only one able to get out of the digital dimension is Sonic, who finds that it's because the places where he finds himself if Cyber Space are all based on memories of places he's been before. Therefore, he knows how far he has to run in order to break out. Sonic Team have publicly stated that making both the player and Sonic feel like they've been in these stages before was the intentional choice with reusing previous level designs, and fans have had fun figuring out which one is which.

RELATED: Sonic Frontiers: How to Get the True Ending

All Cyber Space Stages in Sonic Frontiers and Which Levels they're Referencing


Kronos Island

  • 1-1: Windmill Isle Day Act 1 from Sonic Unleashed.
  • 1-2: Windmill Isle Day Act 2's 3D sections in Sonic Unleashed.
  • 1-3: New to Sonic Frontiers.
  • 1-4: Green Hill Zone Act 2's 3D sections (Modern Sonic) from Sonic Generations.
  • 1-5: Chemical Plant Zone Act 2's 3D sections (Modern Sonic) from Sonic Generations.
  • 1-6: Green Hill Zone Act 1 (Classic Sonic) found in Sonic Generations.
  • 1-7: City Escape from Sonic Adventure 2.

Ares Island

  • 2-1: Green Hill Zone Act 2's 2D sections (Modern Sonic) from Sonic Generations.
  • 2-2: Dragon Road Day Act 3, originally in Sonic Unleashed.
  • 2-3: New to Sonic Frontiers.
  • 2-4: Radical Highway, known from Sonic Adventure 2.
  • 2-5: Sky Sanctuary Zone Act 2's 2D sections (Modern Sonic) from Sonic Generations.
  • 2-6: Sky Rail from Sonic Adventure 2.
  • 2-7: Sky Sanctuary Act 1 (Classic Sonic) found in Sonic Generations.

Chaos Island

  • 3-1: Green Forest, found in Sonic Adventure 2.
  • 3-2: Savannah Citadel Day Act 1's 2D sections from Sonic Unleashed.
  • 3-3: Sky Sanctuary Zone Act 2's 2D sections (Modern Sonic) from Sonic Generations.
  • 3-4: Windmill Isle Day Act 3 from Sonic Unleashed.
  • 3-5: Savannah Citadel Day Act 2 from Sonic Unleashed.
  • 3-6: Rooftop Run Day Act 2 from Sonic Unleashed.
  • 3-7: Chemical Plant Zone Act 2's 2D sections (Modern Sonic) from Sonic Generations.

Ouranos Island

  • 4-1: Metal Harbor from Sonic Adventure 2.
  • 4-2: Speed Highway Act 2's 3D sections (Modern Sonic) from Sonic Generations.
  • 4-3: New to Sonic Frontiers.
  • 4-4: New to Sonic Frontiers.
  • 4-5: New to Sonic Frontiers.
  • 4-6: Chemical Plant Zone Act 1 (Classic Sonic) from Sonic Generations.
  • 4-7: New to Sonic Frontiers.
  • 4-8: New to Sonic Frontiers.
  • 4-9: Icecap Zone's snowboarding section from the original Sonic Adventure combined with City Escape Act 2's (Modern Sonic) 3D sections from Sonic Generations.

Needless to say, the inclusion of Sonic Adventure 2 levels along those seen in Unleashed and Generations are a welcome surprise. Considering how many fans weren't sure how to take Sonic Team re-using old level designs at first, there's also a surprising amount of brand-new levels designed for Sonic Frontiers. The new Cyber Space levels are also rather difficult in terms of Sonic stages, most likely because the majority of them are used in the game's last act. There are plenty of challenges among these levels, and fans will most likely be able to spot their favorites as they play.

Sonic Frontiers is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Sonic Frontiers: How the Starfall Islands Compare to Breath of the Wild's Large Map