Nunu and Willump have their fair share of zany adventures, especially in Song of Nunu. But this duo is known for their prowess in the Summoner’s Rift in League of Legends. The influence of the game where Nunu and Willump came from is put at the forefront of the tandem’s journey, in more ways than one.

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Fans of League of Legends who have a keen eye can see tons of nods and shoutouts in Song of Nunu. That said, here are some of the Easter eggs in the game that players might have missed as they venture through the Frejlord as Nunu and Willump.

9 Jungle Creeps

Not-So Neutral Monsters

Nunu and Willump facing a Corrupted Murk Wolf

Jungle creeps are an essential enemy in League of Legends. These monsters are usually seen in the jungle area of Summoner’s Rift, and Nunu and Willump are usually played as Junglers, they often clash against these beasts.

Two types of jungle creeps make appearances in Song of Nunu: the Murk Wolves and Krugs. These beasts often tangle with Nunu and Willump during their battles in the Summoner’s Rift. In this game, however, the Murk Wolves seem to be corrupted versions of their League of Legends counterparts, and the Ancient Krug is docile and often becomes the tandem’s (sentient and rather large) stepping stone in some areas.

8 True Ice and Dark Ice

The Good And Evil Ice Magic

Lissandra channeling dark ice powers

Dark Ice and True Ice play a pivotal role in League of Legends’ Frejlord narrative. True Ice is a type of ice that is imbued with Anivia’s magic that is so cold that it can never be melted. Only a chosen few called the Iceborn can manipulate True Ice to create and wield formidable weapons: in League of Legends, these champions include Ashe, Olaf, Braum, Sejuani, Trundle, and Lissandra.

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Conversely, Dark Ice is a corrupted version of True Ice. Lissandra holds immense power over Dark Ice: in Song of Nunu, this is further expanded as to why Lissandra resorted to wielding such evil power.

7 The Void

Unspeakable Terror From Beyond

Lissandra convening with creatures from the Void

There are many regions in Runeterra that are chock-full of lore waiting to be discovered. But by far, the most intriguing and dangerous region lies in the Void. This space came into existence at the birth of the universe and is known by many as a place where the unknown and nothingness reign and its denizens possess an insatiable desire to bring oblivion across Runeterra.

Many unspeakable horrors await within the Void, and those who were touched by its immense power are constantly haunted by visions of unreality. These visions have haunted Lissandra and have since made her adamant to prevent the incursion of the Void into the Freljord by any means necessary.

6 Ornn’s Masterworks

Items And Weapons Forged By The Master Blacksmith

Nunu and Willump staring at Ornn's shelf of armaments

Ornn, the Fire Below the Mountain, is the demi-god known for forging and craftsmanship. He is responsible for a variety of weapons and other implements Summoners use in their matches in the Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, and other modes in League of Legends. During Nunu and Willump’s adventure in Song of Nunu, they stumble upon Ornn’s Forge and ask for his help to create a cauldron.

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As players explore the demi-god’s forge, there are some weapons and armor placed on shelves. These Mythic and Legendary weapons are some of the same armaments players in League of Legends can purchase for their champions. This includes the Iceborn Gauntlet, Immortal Shieldbow, Crown of the Shattered Queen, Everfrost, Trinity Force, Bulwark of the Mountain, and Doran’s Shield.

5 Nunu and Willump’s abilities

The Dynamic Duo’s Skills Showcased

Willump casting the Biggest Snowball Ever

Though they do not seem to be formidable, Nunu and Willump are no pushovers when it comes to skirmishes. In League of Legends, they can duke it out with the best of them thanks to their skills and abilities revolving around ice magic and being a Yeti. Their Snowball Barrage, Biggest Snowball Ever, Consume, and Absolute Zero ultimate are exceptionally deadly when used at the right moment during team fights.

In Song of Nunu, players get to use these icy abilities, but at different power levels. Nunu can still chuck snowballs and is often done so for utility purposes such as disabling certain enemies and solving puzzles: the same goes for a version of the Biggest Snowball Ever. Willump’s Consume is used as a finishing move, while Absolute Zero is Willump’s strongest attack that can only be used in key moments in the game.

4 Poro-Snax and Poro Biscuits

Treats That Make Poros Extremely Happy

Nunu offering a Poro a Poro Biscuit

Poros are cute white-furred fluff balls that litter various Freljordian locations. They embody truth, valor, innocence, and love amid the often frigid and unforgiving region where they reside. One of their favorite foods to consume in League of Legends is Poro-Snax: they can be fed these by players who are playing the ARAM mode. When a Poro eats a Poro-Snax, it grows in size, and feeding them too many will result in a full Poro to burst into dozens of tiny Poros.

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This amazing snack is also seen in Song of Nunu, albeit with a different name: the Poro Biscuit. While exploring the different areas, Nunu and Willump can encounter a lonely Poro: if they interact with it, Nunu will offer it a Poro Biscuit which it happily eats. The game gives a nod to the original creator of the delectable biscuit to be none other than Willump, the Yeti.

3 Freljord’s Tumultuous History

The Three Sisters

Lissandra recalling the Three Sisters story

Arguably the biggest narrative unfolding in the Freljord is the tale of the Three Sisters, Lissandra, Avarosa, and Serlyda. The Three Sisters once ruled over ancient Freljord but were betrayed by their sister, Lissandra, to help quell the encroaching Void from breaking through and consuming the whole of Runeterra. Their backstory is further delved into during Lissandra’s scenes and interactions with Nunu and Willump: she asks Nunu if he is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to save millions of lives.

In League of Legends, the Three Sisters are touched upon through three champions in Ashe, Sejuani, and Lissandra. Both Ashe and Sejuani are heralded as incarnations of Avarosa and Serlyda, respectively, and are bound to unite the Freljord once again, even if it means striking down their long-lived sister, Lissandra to achieve it.

2 The Howling Abyss

A Condensed Version Of Summoner's Rift

Nunu gazing at the Howling Abyss

Many League of Legends players know that grinding in Solo Queue or Flex can lead to a number of heartbreaking losses and the beginning of a losing streak. To combat this, players tend to let off some steam by playing the ARAM mode: a 5-on-5 battle on a single-lane map. The map is called the Howling Abyss, and many players have waged countless battles on this murder bridge.

In Song of Nunu, this iconic location is showcased as part of Lissandra’s lair. It is littered with various debris and hiding areas, similar to its League of Legends variant. Nunu braves one of these bridges on his way to rescue Willump from the clutches of the evil Ice Witch.

1 Poppy’s In-Game Joke

Nunu's Take On Making Willump Laugh

Nunu and Willump resting at a campfire

The champions in League of Legends are known to crack a snarky remark or tell a joke in the midst of battle. One of the more long-running in-game jokes is that of Poppy. Originally, she didn’t have any jokes to speak of, since her character was designed to be hardy and stoic. In her rework, the devs added a long-winded joke where players had to press the Taunt button until its completion: Poppy fumbles near the punchline in the end and wants to start over.

Nunu does the lines of joke at the end of the game, asking Willump if he wants to hear a joke. Nunu proceeds to start his long-winded joke with, “A Yeti walks into an inn, and walks into the Bar.” Similarly, Nunu fails to land the joke and misses the punchline.