The campaign mode of Sniper Elite 5 sees players uncovering the Nazi forces' secret project dubbed 'Project Kraken'. Taking place primarily in France, the latest game in the Sniper Elite franchise saw returning protagonist Karl Fairburne (possibly joined by a co-op partner) as he seeks to stop the Nazi war machine in its tracks.

Related: Things We Loved About Sniper Elite 5 (& Things We Didn't)

While players enjoy the new Invasion Mode and come closer to stopping Project Kraken, several trophies and achievements can be unlocked along the way - one is dedicated specifically to annoying the game's main antagonist, Abelard Möller, by blowing up his brand-new car, while another sees to put him down for good by having players kill him with a headshot in the game's final mission. This guide aims to make that feat as easy as possible, so players can unlock the Brains of the Operation trophy / achievement.

Preparing For A headshot

sniper elite 5 length

Sniper Elite can prove to be quite difficult for players that are new to the series - the Nazis are a formidable threat no matter the difficulty, and a single missed shot can see them scramble and quickly surround the player to fill them with bullets. Thankfully, there are quite a few useful additions to the series alongside returning features that can make scoring a headshot easier.

  1. Lowering the difficulty to Civilian - Bullets aren't effected by wind speeds and distance as much on lower difficulties.
  2. Unlock skills - The newly introduced skill trees have a 'body' tree with skills that make sniping easier.
  3. Empty Lung - While scoped, players can press a button to reduce rifle sway.
  4. Weapon Variety - Not all weapons act the same, so bringing a weapon players are comfortable with is recommended.
  5. Weapon Customizing - The newly introduced weapon customizing system lets players change their weapon's stats, including control.
  6. Positioning - The player's rifle will sway less when they crouch or lay down.
  7. Saving & Reloading - There's no shame in quickly reloading a save if the enemies' erratic 'alert' movements prove annoying.
  8. Zoom - Most rifle sights include the ability to zoom in and out - getting a closer look at a target is useful.

Where Is Möller?Sniper Elite 5 Abelard Möller in the scope of the player

Players will finally come face-to-rifle-scope with Möller in Mission 9: Loose Ends.

As the cutscene ends, players will immediately gain control of Karl as he's perched on a cliff some distance away from Möller - if they act quickly and zoom in with their rifle, they'll watch as Möller exits the building from a white door on the right; there are several other enemies in the area, but Möller is recognizable thanks to his distinctive hat and uniform. To make sure they're shooting the right man, though, players can use their binoculars and 'scan' enemies in the area to learn their names.

Players can't move in this mission - they can lie down to stabilize their shot, but getting closer is out of the question. Möller will stand still for a few moments before getting into his car, however, and that provides players the perfect moment to strike - aim for the top of the head, activate 'empty lung' mode, and shoot - the Brains of the Operation trophy / achievement will unlock if the shot successfully splattered the Nazi's brains.

Sniper Elite 5 is out on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X.

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