As Karl Fairburne returns to the battlefield to eliminate the Nazi menace once more, Sniper Elite 5 introduces new features that improve upon the series' traditional sniper experience. Among these new features are the skill trees, which offer players a chance to customize and enhance their playstyle. Players will be able to earn XP and skill points within the game's campaign and survival modes. These skills can be acquired by completing the main objective, side missions, or eliminating key targets.

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Points accumulated from both game modes can be allocated to three distinct and different skill trees: Combat, Body, and Equipment. Players will also be able to assign different skills for each game mode separately. They will offer the player distinct advantages as the game progresses and improve their odds against enemy sniper invasions. To access these skills, players simply need to pause their game, select skills, and then choose which abilities they'd like to unlock.

7 Steady Hand

sniper elite 5 enemies

The Steady Hand skill resides within the combat skill tree. As the game is primarily focused on taking out enemies from afar with one’s trusty sniper, this skill is a no-brainer. Steady Hand is ideal for players who want to have an easier time sniping enemies from afar as the skill significantly reduces the scope shaking when players take damage.

The skill only costs one point and can help players in a pinch if they’ve been discovered by AI enemies or are going toe-to-toe with an enemy sniper. It is worth noting though that this skill is mostly for players who plan to engage with enemies more openly and so it might not be ideal for players who wish to stay in the shadows.

6 Back In The Fight

Sniper Elite 5 enemy sniper takes the shot

Another skill that belongs in the combat skill tree, Back In The Fight allows players to heal themselves with a medkit should they be incapacitated or get downed by enemy fire. This skill is a must-have, as it unlocks virtually every other skill within the combat skill tree, should players wish to open this pathway up.

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The Back In The Fight ability is crucial as it allows players to potentially save themselves from having to restart the mission from the last checkpoint. Moreover, it gives players a second chance to take out enemy player snipers during invasions.

5 Health Boost 1 and Health Boost 2

sniper elite 5 melee melee takedown

Although technically two skills, they are both lumped in with one another as both are self-explanatory. Situated within the body skill tree, players who unlock the Health Boost 1 skill can increase their health by one segment for the bargain price of one skill point. Meanwhile, Health Boost 2 gives another health segment to a player’s health bar, though will this time cost two skill points instead.

These skills effectively give players more hit points and increase the overall odds of survivability. Players who unlock this early can run and gun about without dying too much on the fields of battle. With that in mind, more health is more wealth.

4 Cardio

sniper elite 5 Karl ziplining to get into a better position

Also situated within the body skill tree, Cardio reduces the heart rate whilst sprinting, allowing players to cover greater distances more effectively. Costing just one skill point, players will want this skill to successfully pull off flanking maneuvers on enemies and get to various regions of the map. Some maps in Sniper Elite 5 are massive, so having this skill unlocked is definitely worthwhile.

The Cardio skill also helps players who are caught in a pinch as it improves a player’s ability to escape once exposed. Escaping the AI isn’t too difficult, but can be more tricky once an invasion occurs.

3 Focus Range

sniper elite 5 being quiet and avoiding nazis

Focus Range grants Karl Fairburne the magical ability to see through walls. Though this may sound a little absurd, players can detect enemy movements close by. This is particularly useful in cramped positions, such as in buildings or underground bunkers (especially when taking down big bad Hitler himself).

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However, the Focus Range ability also gives players a distinct advantage over invading enemy-controlled snipers as part of the invasion mode. Enemies can’t use this ability and are forced to hunt down and eliminate Karl. By luring enemies into close quarter conditions, Karl can detect potential enemy snipers and set up a trap. The skill only costs one point to unlock and is found in the body skill tree.

2 Carry More Decoys

sniper elite 5 karl needing to use decoy to get past nazi soldier

Sniper Elite 5 also introduces the bottle, the quintessential object that offers a range of options. Bottles can be thrown to distract enemies, take out enemies (used from cover so players don’t have to be exposed), and can even help players take out two enemies side by side solo (this would usually require a coop buddy to pull off successfully).

As the name might suggest, Carry More Decoys allows Karl to carry more of these wonderful bottles and pull off an assortment of useful and equally hilarious takedowns and distractions. It costs just one point and is located within the equipment skill tree.

1 Carry More Traps

sniper elite 5 explosion caused by trap

Also part of the equipment skill tree and costing one skill point, the Carry More Traps skill allows players to do just that; namely the Teller-mines and Schu-mines. Throughout missions, AI enemies that have not been taken out will respond to explosions. If placed correctly and strategically, players will be able to divert enemy attention or be able to escape more effectively.

Players should make a habit of placing down random mines in specific locations as they play through the game. Not only will this help spread chaos amongst enemy ranks, but it can also help to eliminate enemy invading players who are trying to locate Karl.

Sniper Elite 5 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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